
A move changing type of a piece when a Pawn reaches its promotion square on the eighth (or first) rank.

See also: Allumwandlung; Excelsior; Babson task; Oudot task; Phoenix; Schnoebelen theme; Changed promotions; Exchange of promotions; Cycle of promotions; Tempo promotion; Loewenton theme; Kniest 1 theme.

Cseh, Gábor

Thema Danicum, 1997

3rd HM

Example: Promotion
h#8*  (10+12)

1...f8=S 2.b4 Se6 3.b3 Sd4#

1.b4 e8=B 2.b3 Bb5 3.axb5 f8=B 4.b4 Bc5 5.f2+ Bxf2 6.Kf3 f7 7.Re8 fxe8=B 8.Ke2 Bh5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4PP2/p4P2/Pp6/5P1P/3p1ppp/1PpPk1p1/2BbrnK1

External links:

Fox, Charles Masson

Essener Anzeiger, 1930

2nd-3rd Prize

Example: Promotion
h#7  (3+10)

1.axb1=R Kf2 2.g1=R h4 3.Rg5 hxg5 4.e1=R g6 5.Re8 g7 6.Rh8 gxh8=Q 7.d1=R Qc3#

bR-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/3p1p1p/p7/8/p2pp1pP/1Qk2bK1

External links:

Páros, György

Magyar Sakkvilág, 1940

2nd HM

Example: Promotion
h#3  (4+12)

1.b1=S Bc1 2.d1=S Bf4 3.f1=S Qa2#

bS-promotion (3x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/1pn1b3/3k3p/1P1bn3/B1p2p2/1p1p1p1Q/7K

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

Problem, 1957

Example: Promotion
h#6  (3+10)

1.g1=B Bg2 2.e1=B Bxh1 3.Ba5 Bxf3 4.h1=B Bd1 5.Bb7 f3 6.Bgb6 Be2#

bB-promotion (3x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/p1p5/k7/5p2/5p2/5p1K/4pPpp/5B1r

External links:

Kardos, Tivadar

BTSB tourney, Magyar Sakkélet, 1956

1st Prize

Example: Promotion
h#7  (2+4)

1.f1=R e3 2.Rf4 exf4 3.e3 f5 4.e2 f6 5.e1=R f7 6.Ra1 f8=R 7.Ra2 Rf3#

bR-promotion (2x) + wR-promotion, ideal mate.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/1K6/4p3/k7/1p2Pp2/8

External links:

Páros, György

Problem, M. Jacobs MT, 1959

3rd Prize

Example: Promotion
h#4  (4+12)

1.b1=R Rxe1 2.d1=R Rxf1 3.e1=R Rh1 4.f1=R Rxg2#

bR-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r2rk1/5p2/8/2p5/P7/2K5/Rp1pppp1/2R1bb2

External links:

Ring, Ulrich

Die Schwalbe, TT-174, 1987

1st HM

Example: Promotion
h#5  (3+14)

1.d1=B Kxc1 2.a1=B Kd2 3.e1=B+ Ke3 4.Bh5 Ke4 5.c1=B Kxe5#

bB-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/5br1/6kq/4n1p1/2p5/1pP4p/pKppp3/1Br5

External links:

Bišćan, Dragutin

Le Problème, 1963

1st Prize

Example: Promotion
h#6  (2+15)

1.d1=B Kxc1 2.a1=B Kd2 3.Bg7 Ke3 4.g1=B+ Kf4 5.Bc5 Kxg5 6.e1=B Bxd3#

bB-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6qr/7k/b7/1r4n1/1p6/1p1p4/pKppp1p1/2n2B2

External links:

Varga, Josip

Šahovski glasnik, 1988

2nd Prize

Example: Promotion
h#5  (2+14)

1.f1=R Kb4 2.b1=R+ Kxc3 3.c1=R+ Kd3 4.d1=R+ Ke4 5.Rd7 Rg2#

bR-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2b5/b4q1r/p4rkp/K6p/8/2p5/Rppp1p2/8

External links:

Földeák, Árpád

Revista de Sah, 1963

5th HM

Example: Promotion
h#5  (2+4)

1.h3 b8=R 2.h2 Rxb2 3.h1=R+ Rh2 4.Sb2 Rh3 5.Rb1 Ra3#

bR-promotion + wR-promotion.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1P5K/8/8/7p/8/1b6/k2n4

External links:

Wong, Peter

Chess in Australia, 1989

Example: Promotion
h#4 4.1... (2+14)

1.Kc4 d6 2.Kb3 d7 3.Ka2 d8=Q 4.Ka1 Qxa5#
1.Ke4 d6 2.Kf3 dxe7 3.Kg2 exf8=Q 4.Kh1 Qf1#
1.Kc5 d6 2.Kb6 d7 3.Kb7 dxc8=Q+ 4.Ka8 Qxc6#
1.Ke5 d6 2.Kf6 d7 3.Kg7 dxe8=Q 4.Kh8 Qxf8#

wQ-promotion (4x), four bK corners.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1bb1rn2/p3p2p/2p5/q2P4/3k4/2p1p3/2p4p/2K5

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mat (Belgrade), 1978

1st-2nd Prize

Example: Promotion
h#4 4.1... (2+12)

1.Kd4 fxe6 2.Kc3 exd7 3.Kb2 dxc8=Q 4.Ka1 Qc1#
1.Kf4 f6 2.Kg3 f7 3.Kh2 fxe8=Q 4.Kh1 Qxh5#
1.Kd5 fxe6 2.Kc6 e7 3.Kb7 exd8=Q 4.Ka8 Qxc8#
1.Kf6 Kg2 2.Kg7 f6+ 3.Kh8 f7 4.Rh7 f8=Q#

wQ-promotion (4x), four bK corners.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2bqn3/p2p4/3pp3/4kPpr/8/8/r4p2/5K2

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

The Problemist, 2003

2nd Prize

Example: Promotion
h#6 4.1... (2+12)

1.Sd3+ exd3 2.Rb6 dxc4 3.Kd3 c5 4.Kc4 c6 5.Kc5 c7 6.Kc6 c8=Q#
1.Qc8 Kd5 2.Kf4 e4 3.Qf5+ exf5 4.Rg6 f6 5.Kf5 f7 6.Kf6 f8=Q#
1.Kf2 e3 2.Qf4+ exf4 3.Kg3 fxg5 4.Kh4 g6 5.Kg5 g7 6.Kg6 g8=Q#
1.Sf3+ exf3 2.Rg6 fxg4 3.Kf3 gxh5 4.Kg4 h6 5.Kh5 h7 6.Kh6 h8=Q#

wQ-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4p3/7r/1b2K1pp/2q3p1/2p1k3/2n1P3/b3n3

External links:

Radovic, Srecko

Joksimovic, Nebojsha

Orbit, 2002 (v. 2003)

1st Prize

Example: Promotion
h#6 4.1... (2+13)

1.b5 exd3 2.Rb6 d4 3.Kd3 dxc5 4.Kc4 c6 5.Kc5 c7 6.Kc6 c8=Q#
1.Qc6 Kf5 2.Kd4 e4 3.Qd5+ exd5 4.Rc6 d6 5.Kd5 d7 6.Kd6 d8=Q#
1.Kf2 e3 2.Rh3 exf4 3.Kg3 f5 4.Kh4 f6 5.Kg5 fxg7 6.Kg6 g8=Q#
1.g5 exf3 2.Rg6 fxg4 3.Kf3 gxh5 4.Kg4 h6 5.Kh5 h7 6.Kh6 h8=Q#

wQ-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1p4p1/7r/2b1K2p/5pp1/3pkqr1/4P1p1/5n2

External links:

Cseh, Gábor

StrateGems, 2000

1st Prize

Example: Promotion
h#10  (9+14)

1.h1=S Sd6 2.h2 Sf5 3.Sg3+ Sxg3 4.h1=S Se2 5.fxe2+ Kg2 6.f1=S Rc7 7.Bg3 Rxc3 8.Bxe5 Rxc2 9.Bg7 Rxc1 10.bxc1=S Bxg7#

bS-promotion (4x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/5NR1/6PB/1P2P1P1/4P3/2p2p1p/pprp1p1p/kbqrbK2

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

(after D. Hersom)

The Problemist, 1986

Example: Promotion
h#8  (2+13)

1.h1=R Kxf3 2.e1=S+ Kg3 3.Bg4 f4 4.d1=B f5 5.Bh6 f6 6.c1=S f7 7.Qh7 f8=Q 8.b1=B Qf6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 7n/8/8/8/7r/4Kp2/pppppP1p/kqbb4

External links:

Schneider, Vilmos

Magyar Sakkélet, 1962

2nd Prize

Example: Promotion
h#2 b) wPc6→d6 c) wPc6→e6  (4+11)

a) 1.Ke6 dxc8=S 2.Rf6 exd8=S#
b) 1.Qc7 d8=S 2.Rg6 e8=S#
c) 1.Qe8 dxe8=S+ 2.Kg6 exf8=S#

wS-promotion (6x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2bq1b2/1r1PP3/K1P2k1r/3ppnnp/8/8/8/8

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