Changed promotions

Promoting of the same Pawn on the same square to a different piece in different phases. No less two thematic pawns or squares are required.

See also: Cycle of promotions; Exchange of promotions; Loewenton theme.

Husserl, Gideon

Die Schwalbe, 1974

3rd HM

Example: Changed promotions
h#4 3.1... (2+3)

1.g1=S+ Kh4 2.Kg2 Sd3 3.Kh1 Kg3 4.f1=B Sf2#
1.g1=R Kh4 2.Kg2 Sd3 3.Kh1 Kh3 4.f1=S Sf2#
1.g1=B Kh4 2.Kg2 Se2 3.Kh1 Kh3 4.f1=R Sg3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/8/8/5k1K/5pp1/2N5

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Babic, Milomir

Problem-Echo TT, 1997

2nd Prize

Example: Changed promotions
h#3 2.1... (3+16)
b) bPa5→e6

1.dxe1=Q Bxd3 2.Qb4 Bf5 3.Qb6 Bd7#
1.axb1=R Rxe5 2.Rb6 Re7 3.Bb5 Rc7#
1.dxe1=B Bxd3 2.Ba5 Bc2 3.Bb6 Ba4#
1.axb1=S Re4 2.Sc3 Ra4 3.Sb5 Ra6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2K5/1n3pq1/2kp4/p1prp3/8/p2b4/p2p4/nBbrR3

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