Babson task

The four different promotions of one black pawn on a single square associated with the four promotions of one white pawn on a single square, with precise correspondence between black and white promotions.

Shifted Babson task: Compared to normal Babson, the Allumwandlung promotions are cyclically shifted, for instance Q/r-R/b-B/s-S/q.

See also: Shifted Babson task; Allumwandlung.

Kárpáti, Aurél M.

Die Schwalbe, 1954

3rd Prize

Example: Babson task
h#3  (6+5)
b) bKb4→e5 c) bKb4→e7 d) bKb4→h8

a) 1.b1=S b7 2.Sc3 b8=S 3.Sxb5 Sc6#
b) 1.b1=R b7 2.Rd1 b8=R 3.Rxd5 Re8#
c) 1.b1=Q b7 2.Qxb5 b8=Q 3.Qe8 Qd6#
d) 1.b1=B b7 2.Bxe4 b8=B 3.Bh7 Be5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/1P6/1PpB4/pk2N1K1/p3P3/1p6/8

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Wiehagen, Rolf

The Problemist, Babson Task TT, 1990

2nd Prize

Example: Babson task
h#3  (3+13)
b) bSg4→a4 c) bKa3→a8 d) bKa3→h5

a) 1.e1=Q e8=Q 2.Qc1 Qd8 3.Qb2 Qxa5#
b) 1.e1=S e8=S 2.Sd3 Sd6 3.Sdb4 Sxc4#
c) 1.e1=B e8=B 2.Bg3 Bxd7 3.Bgb8 Bxc6#
d) 1.e1=R e8=R 2.Rh1 Rf8 3.Rh4 Rf5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/b2pP2K/2p5/p1p5/2p1p1n1/k1p5/n1P1p3/1b6

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