
A German term (often abbreviated to AUW) for a theme in which the four possible types of promotion – to queen, rook, bishop, and knight – all take place during the course of the solution.

See also: Babson task; Sankt Petersburg theme; Carra theme; Promotion.

Alias: AUW.

Trautner, Rolf

Die Schwalbe, 1960

Example: Allumwandlung
h#7  (2+4)

1.c1=S Kg8 2.Sb3 axb3 3.g1=B b4 4.Bc5 bxc5 5.a2 c6 6.a1=R c7 7.Ra7 c8=Q#

Mixed AUW.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: k6K/8/8/8/8/p7/P1p3p1/8

External links:

Belleli, Alessandro

Besso, R.

The Fairy Chess Review, 1941

Example: Allumwandlung
h#7  (2+10)

1.a1=Q+ Kc2 2.Qe5 Kb1 3.Qb5 axb5 4.e1=B b6 5.f1=R b7 6.Kf2 b8=Q 7.g1=S Qh2#

Black AUW.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/p7/Ppp5/4bp2/pK2ppp1/6k1

External links:

Mintz, Yaakov

The Problemist, 1982

1st Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#3  (3+2)
b) wSg2→f5 c) wSg2→g7 d) wSg2→c4

a) 1.a1=Q+ Se1 2.Qb2 Sc2 3.Qb5 Ra3#
b) 1.a1=R+ Rc1 2.Rb1 Sd4 3.Rb4 Ra1#
c) 1.a1=B Rb3 2.Bc3 Se6 3.Ba5 Sc5#
d) 1.a1=S Rc1 2.Kb3 Rb1+ 3.Ka2 Rb2#

Black AUW.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/8/k7/2R5/p5N1/7K

External links:

Mladenovic, Slobodan

Schach-Echo, 1975

1st Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#2 4.1... (4+2)

1.Qxc6 b8=R 2.Qb6 Ra8#
1.Qe2 c7 2.Qa6 b8=Q#
1.Qc8+ bxc8=S+ 2.Ka8 c7#
1.Qh8 b8=B+ 2.Ka8 c7#

White AUW.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4q3/kP6/2P5/8/6K1/5B2/8/8

External links:

Legendi, Tamás

Molnár, Árpád

Magyar Sakkélet, 1961

2nd HM

Example: Allumwandlung
h#7  (7+10)

1.f4 h8=S 2.f3 Sg6 3.fxg6 g8=B 4.g5 Be6 5.dxe6 d7 6.Kc7 b8=R 7.e5 d8=Q#

White AUW in a single line of play.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: Bk6/bP1p1pPP/1n1P1P2/5p2/6p1/6pb/6p1/6K1

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

The Macedonian Problemist, 2001


Example: Allumwandlung
h#8  (2+11)

1.c1=S Kb1 2.Sb3 axb3 3.e1=B b4 4.f1=R b5 5.Kf2 b6 6.g1=Q b7 7.Qg5 b8=Q 8.Qe3 Qh2#

Black AUW in a single line of play.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6n1/7b/8/5r2/8/p1p2p2/P1p1ppp1/K5k1

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Phénix, 1990

1st Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#2 4.1... (5+9)

1.Qd8 dxe8=R 2.Kd7 cxd8=Q#
1.Re5 d8=B 2.Sc5 c8=S#
1.Sg5 cxb8=R 2.Kc7 d8=Q#
1.Sd8 c8=B 2.Kc7 dxe8=S#

White AUW (x2).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1b2bn2/2PP4/1rpkn3/1r6/4P2q/7B/8/K7

External links:

Wiehagen, Rolf

The Problemist, Babson Task TT, 1990

2nd Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#3  (3+13)
b) bSg4→a4 c) bKa3→a8 d) bKa3→h5

a) 1.e1=Q e8=Q 2.Qc1 Qd8 3.Qb2 Qxa5#
b) 1.e1=S e8=S 2.Sd3 Sd6 3.Sdb4 Sxc4#
c) 1.e1=B e8=B 2.Bg3 Bxd7 3.Bgb8 Bxc6#
d) 1.e1=R e8=R 2.Rh1 Rf8 3.Rh4 Rf5#

Babson task.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/b2pP2K/2p5/p1p5/2p1p1n1/k1p5/n1P1p3/1b6

External links:

Kárpáti, Aurél M.

Die Schwalbe, 1954

3rd Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#3  (6+5)
b) bKb4→e5 c) bKb4→e7 d) bKb4→h8

a) 1.b1=S b7 2.Sc3 b8=S 3.Sxb5 Sc6#
b) 1.b1=R b7 2.Rd1 b8=R 3.Rxd5 Re8#
c) 1.b1=Q b7 2.Qxb5 b8=Q 3.Qe8 Qd6#
d) 1.b1=B b7 2.Bxe4 b8=B 3.Bh7 Be5#

Babson task.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/1P6/1PpB4/pk2N1K1/p3P3/1p6/8

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

(after D. Hersom)

The Problemist, 1986

Example: Allumwandlung
h#8  (2+13)

1.h1=R Kxf3 2.e1=S+ Kg3 3.Bg4 f4 4.d1=B f5 5.Bh6 f6 6.c1=S f7 7.Qh7 f8=Q 8.b1=B Qf6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 7n/8/8/8/7r/4Kp2/pppppP1p/kqbb4

External links:

Staudte, Hans Hilmar

Schach-Echo, 1971


Example: Allumwandlung
h#2* 3.1... (6+5)

1...b8=S 2.Sc7 Sxd7#

1.Sc5 b8=Q+ 2.Sb7 Qc7#
1.Rxa6 b8=B 2.Ra7 Bxa7#
1.Rxa8 b8=R+ 2.Ka7 Rb7#

White AUW.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: B7/rP1p1K2/Pk1Pn3/1p6/8/R7/8/8

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Aachener Nachrichten, 1977

3rd Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#2 4.1... (4+8)

1.Ke5 f8=Q 2.Rd4 Qf4#
1.Kd6 f8=S 2.Rc5 Qe6#
1.Ke7 f8=R 2.Rd6 Qf7#
1.Kf6 f8=B 2.Re5 g8=S#

White AUW, bK cross, bR cross.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r5/2p2PP1/q3k1p1/3r4/4n1K1/p7/Q7/8

External links:

Gavrilovski, Zoran

The Problemist, 1990

3rd HM

Example: Allumwandlung
h#2  (3+11)
b) wRf5→h5 c) bPd4→b2 d) wKd8→c8

a) 1.Ke6 e8=S 2.Bd6 Sxg7#
b) 1.Ke4 e8=B 2.Bf4 Bg6#
c) 1.Kc4 e8=Q 2.Bd4 Qxb5#
d) 1.Kc6 e8=R 2.Bf6 Re6#

White AUW, bK star, bB star.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3K2n1/2p1P1p1/8/1b1kbR2/3p4/2q1pn2/8/1r6

External links:

Janevski, Zhivko

Mat (Belgrade), 1982

6th Prize

Example: Allumwandlung
h#2*  (5+5)

1...e8=Q 2.e1=R Qxf7#

1.Rf8 exf8=B 2.e1=S Bxc5#

Mixed AUW.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4Pr2/8/KBq1p3/8/6R1/4pk1P/8

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