Sankt Petersburg theme

A white Allumwandlung occurs where a white Pawn promotes to the same kind of piece that Black puts en prise for it. In the cyclic form of the theme a white Pawn promotes to a piece of different kind than the one Black puts en prise for it, in cyclic fashion.

See also: Allumwandlung; Mixed Phoenix.

Bene, Viktor

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

Uralskij Problemist, A. Ivunin-50 JT, 1997

3rd Comm.

Example: Sankt Petersburg theme
h#2  (5+8)
b) wPf6→e6 c) wSe8→e3 d) bKc6→e6

a) 1.Sc8 bxc8=S 2.Qb5 Se7#
b) 1.Bc8 bxc8=B 2.Sd5 Bd7#
c) 1.Ra8+ bxa8=R 2.b5 Ra6#
d) 1.Qc8+ bxc8=Q 2.Sf5 Qc4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1K1nN3/1P1bn3/rpk2P2/8/2qP3b/8/8/8

External links:

Feather, Christopher John

Scrapings, 1999

Example: Sankt Petersburg theme
h#2 4.1... (4+8)

1.Sc8 dxc8=B 2.Bb6 Qd7#
1.Bc8 dxc8=R+ 2.Kb7 Qc7#
1.Qc8 dxc8=S 2.Sb5 Se7#
1.Re8 dxe8=Q+ 2.Kd5 Qe4#

Sankt Petersburg theme (cyclic).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: q2Q2rr/1b1P4/p1kn4/8/1P6/4bK2/8/8

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