In two or more consecutive moves one and the same piece moves to the square just left by one and the same opponent’s piece.

See also: Consecutive Umnov; Closed chain of Umnov; Delayed Umnov; Umnov move; Umnov mate.

Alias: Follow My Leader theme.

Avner, Uri

J. & M. Figueiredo MT, 2011

1st Prize

Example: FML
h#2 b) wKc1→f8  (11+10)

a) 1.Sc3 Sa4+ 2.Sd5+ Sc3#
b) 1.Sd6 Sb7+ 2.Sf5+ Sd6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r1B3/1n3PPb/p1q3P1/pkN4R/nb1BP3/3P4/3r4/1RK5

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