Delayed Umnov

Helpmate Analyzer indicates these types of Delayed Umnov:

  1. The king moves to a square which had been left before by an officer (any piece except kings and pawns) of opposite color.
  2. Direct mate on the square which black officer left at least two moves before.
  3. Direct mate on the initial black king square.

See also: Umnov mate; Umnov move.

Alias: Delayed FML; Deffered Umnov.

Gavrilovski, Zoran

Liga Problemista, 1996

4-5 Place

Example: Delayed Umnov
h#2 b) bBg4  (6+8)

a) 1.Sxf2 Rd4 2.Kf5 Bg4#
b) 1.Bxf3 Sc5+ 2.Kf6 Sg4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5K2/3Np1n1/3pk1qb/3R2p1/6n1/5B2/5N2/5R2

External links:

Rehm, Hans Peter

Schach-Echo, 1988

1st Prize

Example: Delayed Umnov
h#7  (3+11)

1.Bh5 Kc1 2.Kg4 Kd1 3.Kh4+ Ke1 4.Bd1 Kf2 5.Se2 Kf3 6.Sg3+ Kf4 7.Bh5 hxg3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2p3p1/2p3p1/3p1k2/3p1n2/3p3p/3P3P/1K1b4

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Magyar Sakkélet, 1979

Example: Delayed Umnov
h#2 2.1... (5+6)

1.Ba7 Bxh6 2.Rd4 Se3#
1.Rd1 Rxh6 2.Bd4 Sd6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/R2r3p/p3nk2/2N5/K3b3/5N2/2B5

External links:

Piliczewski, Bogusz

The Problemist, 2013

2nd HM

Example: Delayed Umnov
h#3 4.1... (6+9)

1.Sb1 Sxe4 2.Sc3 Sc2 3.Sexd5 Sd2#
1.Sxd5 Sd1 2.Sc3 Sc2 3.Sb3 Sde3#
1.Sb3 Sxf3 2.Sd4 Sa2 3.Sxd5 Sd2#
1.Sc2 Sxf5 2.Sd4 Sa2 3.S2b3 Se3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4B2K/8/q7/3P1p2/1PkNp3/2Npnp2/3n4/b7

External links:

Rotenberg, Jacques

Caillaud, Michel

Phénix, 1995

1st Prize

Example: Delayed Umnov
h#2 2.1... (8+6)

1.Rd4 Bxd4 2.Kxd4 Qe4#
1.Bd5 Sxd5 2.Kxd5 Qe6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4K3/2P1b1Q1/4B3/1Pk1rp2/2Np1p2/3P1P2/8

External links:

Bene, Viktor

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

Uralskij Problemist, A. Ivunin-50 JT, 1997

3rd Comm.

Example: Delayed Umnov
h#2  (5+8)
b) wPf6→e6 c) wSe8→e3 d) bKc6→e6

a) 1.Sc8 bxc8=S 2.Qb5 Se7#
b) 1.Bc8 bxc8=B 2.Sd5 Bd7#
c) 1.Ra8+ bxa8=R 2.b5 Ra6#
d) 1.Qc8+ bxc8=Q 2.Sf5 Qc4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1K1nN3/1P1bn3/rpk2P2/8/2qP3b/8/8/8

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