
Mutual interference between a rook and a bishop on the same square without capture.

Pawn Grimshaw: A joint term referring to interference between game-array pawn and a bishop (Pickabish theme), a pawn and a rook (Nesic theme), and a pawn and a queen (Kubbel-Grimshaw theme).

See also: Pickabish; Nesic theme; Kubbel-Grimshaw; Wurzburg-Plachutta; Organ pipes.

Alias: Grimshaw interference.

Feather, Christopher John

Moultings 9, 1991

Example: Grimshaw
h#2 2.1... (3+8)

1.Re5 Rh1 2.Rc4 Ra1#
1.Be5 Rhxb7 2.Bc4 Ra5#

Doubled black Grimshaw.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6q1/Kp4bR/8/1R1b3r/3r4/k2p4/8/8

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mezija, D. Levcic MT, 1998

1st Prize

Example: Grimshaw
h#3 2.1... (3+4)

1.Kf6 Bg7+ 2.Kg5 Rf8 3.Sh4 Bh6#
1.Se5 Rg7+ 2.Kf8 Bg5 3.Sf7 Rg8#

White Grimshaw.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6R1/5k1K/7B/7p/6p1/5n2/8/8

External links:

Kirtley, Mark

The Problemist, 1988

1st HM

Example: Grimshaw
h#2 2.1... (6+7)

1.Bh7 Bd8 2.Rg6 Re2#
1.Rh6 Rf2 2.Bg6 Bc7#

Black critical Grimshaw.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2B1r3/6n1/4r3/B1Ppk3/4b2R/7K/2R3p1/8

External links:

Meinking, Dan

Wiehagen, Rolf

F. Abdurahmanovic-60 JT, StrateGems, 2000

2nd Prize

Example: Grimshaw
h#4.5 2.1... (4+9)

1...Re2 2.Kc4 Rxa2+ 3.Kb3 Rf2 4.Bb1 Be2 5.Ka2 Bc4#
1...Be2 2.Ke4 Bxg4+ 3.Kf4 Bd1 4.g5 Re2 5.Kg4 Re4#

Usual Grimshaw at W1 + Critical Grimshaw at W4.

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FEN: 8/8/6p1/3knb2/6p1/p5p1/p5P1/r3RB1K

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Kovachevitsh, Marjan

The Macedonian Problemist-15 JT, The Macedonian Problemist, 2015

2nd Prize

Example: Grimshaw
h#2 b) wPa2→b4 c) wPa2→c3  (6+8)

a) 1.d6 Rg4+ 2.Kc3 Bg7#
b) 1.Rxb5 Bc5 2.Bd6 Bf7#
c) 1.Rd6 Bd3+ 2.Kc5 Rg5#

Grimshaw + Pickabish + Nesic.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1bq2B2/3p4/1rr3B1/1P6/2k5/6R1/P2p3K/1b6

External links:

Bogdanov, Evgeny

Chess Leopolis, 2007

1st Prize

Example: Grimshaw
h#2 b) bQc8→e8 c) -bSe2 +bPh6  (6+10)

a) 1.Bd6 f7 2.Kc5 Kf6#
b) 1.d6 Be7 2.Kc5 Ke6#
c) 1.Rd6 Rh5 2.Kc5 Kf4#

Grimshaw + Pickabish + Nesic.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: Nbq2B2/3p3p/r4P2/Nk3KR1/1p1p4/8/4nn2/8

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