Nesic theme

Mutual interference between a rook and a pawn standing on its game-array square.

See also: Grimshaw; Pickabish; Kubbel-Grimshaw.

Alias: R/P Grimshaw; Nešić theme.

Ivanov, Gorge

Orbit, 1999


Example: Nesic theme
h#2 2.1... (4+8)

1.Qe5 Rc1 2.e6 Bc6#
1.Qc6 Bf7+ 2.Re6 Rxh5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4B3/1N2p3/1p2q1r1/3k3p/n7/1n1K4/8/7R

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Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Kovachevitsh, Marjan

The Macedonian Problemist-15 JT, The Macedonian Problemist, 2015

2nd Prize

Example: Nesic theme
h#2 b) wPa2→b4 c) wPa2→c3  (6+8)

a) 1.d6 Rg4+ 2.Kc3 Bg7#
b) 1.Rxb5 Bc5 2.Bd6 Bf7#
c) 1.Rd6 Bd3+ 2.Kc5 Rg5#

Grimshaw + Pickabish + Nesic.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1bq2B2/3p4/1rr3B1/1P6/2k5/6R1/P2p3K/1b6

External links:

Bogdanov, Evgeny

Chess Leopolis, 2007

1st Prize

Example: Nesic theme
h#2 b) bQc8→e8 c) -bSe2 +bPh6  (6+10)

a) 1.Bd6 f7 2.Kc5 Kf6#
b) 1.d6 Be7 2.Kc5 Ke6#
c) 1.Rd6 Rh5 2.Kc5 Kf4#

Grimshaw + Pickabish + Nesic.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: Nbq2B2/3p3p/r4P2/Nk3KR1/1p1p4/8/4nn2/8

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