Areal cycle

A special case of the closed walk where all visited squares (except first and last) are different and not all of them belong to the same rank, file, or diagonal.

See also: Closed walk; Linear cycle; Tempo rundlauf.

Alias: Round trip; Rundlauf (Ger.).

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Die Schwalbe, 1962 (v)


Example: Areal cycle
h#4*  (9+5)

1...Sxa4 2.b5 Sb6 3.Kb3 Sd7 4.Ka4 Sc5#

1.Kb1 Bxd4 2.Kc2 Be3 3.Kc3 Bc1 4.Kd4 Bb2#

wS Rundlauf + wB Rundlauf.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4p3/1p2P2K/2N5/pP1pP3/P2P4/kB3P2/8

External links:

Atanackovic, Branko

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Probleemblad, 1963

1st Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#4  (4+12)
b) wBf6 c) wRf6

a) 1.Kf4 Sxd5+ 2.Ke4 Sxe7 3.Bd6 Sg8 4.Kd5 Sf6#
b) 1.e4 Bxd4 2.Kf4 Bc5 3.Ke5 Bxe7 4.Kd4 Bf6#
c) 1.Kg4 Rxe6 2.Kf5 Rxe7 3.Kg6 Rf7 4.Kh6 Rf6#

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FEN: 8/4p1np/4bN2/1K1pp2p/3p3P/b3n1k1/4P3/2q5

External links:

Linss, Torsten

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Die Schwalbe, 2020

1st Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#8.5  (2+5)

1...Bh4 2.Kd6 Bd8 3.g5 Ba5 4.g4 Bd2 5.Bg5 Be3 6.Rf5 Bf2 7.Ke5 Bh4 8.Kf4 Kf2 9.Re4 Bg3#

6-point captureless tempo Rundlauf of wB.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2k3p1/8/8/3r1b2/6B1/5r2/4K3

External links:

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

Kummer, Eckart

Schöneberg, Achim

Šachová skladba, 2007

1st Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#3.5  (5+10)
b) wBg4 c) wRg4

a) 1...Sxf6+ 2.Ke5 Sd5 3.Re7 Se3 4.Kf6 Sg4#
b) 1...Bxf5 2.e5 Bg6 3.Ke6 Bh5 4.Kf5 Bg4#
c) 1...Rxf4 2.Qe5 Rf3 3.Ke4 Rxg3 4.Kf4 Rg4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2r2b2/4pp1K/3k1r2/4qpNp/6pP/5PP1/8

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

Die Schwalbe, 1965

4th Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#4*  (3+6)

1...Be6 2.Sc5 Bc8 3.Kd5 Ba6 4.Sd4 Bc4#

1.Kc5 Bb3 2.Sd4 Ba4 3.Kd5 Bb5 4.Sc5 Bc4#

wB Rundlauf (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: K7/1n6/2rq4/1n2p3/2Bk4/3P4/8/8

External links:

Ott, Markus Johannes

Rehm, Hans Peter

feenschach, 2007

Spec. Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#5.5  (2+6)

1...Kh2 2.Bd4 Kg2 3.e3 Kg3+ 4.Re4 Kf3 5.Re5 Kg2 6.Ke4 Kg3#

wK Rundlauf (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/3k1b2/4pr2/3rb1K1/8/7B

External links:

Ott, Markus Johannes

feenschach, 1993

3rd HM

Example: Areal cycle
h#4 2.1... (5+6)

1.Qf4 Bg6 2.Bd1 Be8 3.Ke4 Ba4 4.Bf3 Bc2#
1.Kf4 Bf6 2.Bh6 Be7 3.Ke5 Bf8 4.Bf4 Bg7#

wB Rundlauf (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: K4b2/6B1/3qp3/8/b1P5/4pk2/P1B5/8

External links:

Kirtley, Mark

U.S. Problem Bulletin, 1997

1st-2nd Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#5.5 b) bPc4→g6  (2+12)

a) 1...Sa5 2.Rb5 Sxb3 3.Qc2+ Sd2 4.Qa4 Sf3 5.Ka5 Se5 6.Bb6 Sc6#
b) 1...Se7 2.Ka5 Sxg6 3.Bb6 Sh4 4.Qe4+ Sf3 5.Qa4 Sd4 6.Rb5 Sc6#

6-point Rundlauf of wS (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/6pq/pkN5/4r3/2pb1pp1/1p4p1/6Kn/8

External links:

Luce, Sébastien

Die Schwalbe, TT-214, 2019

2nd HM

Example: Areal cycle
h#4.5 2.1... (4+8)

1...Sf6 2.Sg5 Sxh5 3.Kf3 Sf4 4.Kg4 Sd5 5.Kh5 Sf6#
1...Sc7 2.Kd3 Sxa6 3.Kc4 Sb4 4.Kb5 Sd5 5.Ka6 Sc7#

wS Rundlauf (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/pb4K1/p1p5/p1PN3q/8/5nP1/4k3/8

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

harmonie-aktiv, 2013

1st HM

Example: Areal cycle
h#10.5  (2+4)

1...Bc2 2.d5 Bg6 3.Re7 Be8 4.Re1 Kc7 5.Kf3 Kd6 6.Ke2 Ke5 7.Kd1+ Kd4 8.Qe2 Kc3 9.d4+ Kb3 10.d3 Ba4 11.d2 Kb2#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2K5/1r1p4/8/1q6/B5k1/8/8/8

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

M. G. Garcia-65 JT (h#n), 2013

2nd Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#9.5  (2+4)

1...Bd8 2.Qa8 Kb5 3.Kb8 Kc4 4.d5+ Kd3 5.d4 Kxe2 6.d3+ Ke3 7.d2 Kd4 8.d1=B Kc5 9.Bg4 Kb6 10.Bc8 Bc7#

wK 8-point round-trip.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2k5/2B5/1K1p4/3q4/8/8/4p3/8

External links:

Lois, Jorge Joaquín

Kapros, Jorge Marcelo

StrateGems, 2010

1st Prize

Example: Areal cycle
h#7.5  (2+14)

1...Bxe4 2.a1=B Bxc6 3.Be5 Bb5 4.Kb7 Bd3 5.Kc6 Bxf5 6.Kd5 Bg4 7.Ke4 Be2 8.Kf5 Bd3#

wB Rundlauf (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/k1p2br1/1np1np2/5pr1/4pp2/1p1B3K/p7/8

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