
A line-piece leaves square X and crosses square Y. Another line-piece moves in the same direction to square Y crossing the square X. According to the purity of aim principle the clearing piece should not have any influence on the subsequent play, the sole purpose of its move should be only to clear the line for the follower.

See also: Anti-Bristol; Anticipatory Bristol; Consecutive Bristol; Reciprocal Bristol; Step-by-step Bristol; Pseudo Bristol; Sacrificial Bristol; Loyd's clearance; Brunner-Loyd clearance.

Alias: Bristol clearance; Bahnung (Ger.).

Sola, Pentti Olavi

Deutsche Märchenschachzeitung, 1932

1st Prize

Example: Bristol
h#2*  (7+9)

1...Rh8 2.Kxd3 Qh7#

1.Qa1 Qe4 2.Bb2 d4#

White Bristol in the set play, Black Bristol in the actual play.

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FEN: 8/8/3P4/1KprP3/3b1B2/2qP3R/2k1p3/3brn1Q

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Probleemblad, 1988

3rd Prize

Example: Bristol
h#3 2.1... (4+11)

1.Re2 Bc1 2.Qd2 Sa3 3.Ke3 Sc2#
1.Qh7 Bc2 2.Qd3 Bf6+ 3.Ke4 Sc3#

Bicolor Bristol.

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FEN: 8/p7/1p2r1Bq/np4B1/3k2K1/4r3/5bp1/1N4n1

External links:

Gandev, Krasimir

Match Bulgaria-Romania, 1975

1st Place

Example: Bristol
h#2 2.1... (6+11)

1.Rf2 c4 2.R8f5 Rc3#
1.Qe4 Rh1 2.Bf5 Qg1#

Impure black Bristol and pure white Bristol.

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FEN: 5r2/4K2b/4prq1/8/3n2p1/4k1P1/1pPpp1P1/1QR5

External links:

Shinkman, William A.

Detroit Free Press, 1884 (corr. 1921)

Example: Bristol
h#3  (3+8)

1.Rh1 Rg1 2.Bg8 Rxg8 3.Rxb1 Rxa8#

Bicolor Bristol.

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FEN: q7/8/8/1Kp5/1p6/2b5/bp6/kBRr4

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Blaustein, Yeshayahu

Israel Ring Tourney, 1967

2nd HM

Example: Bristol
h#2 2.1... (6+6)

1.Qa6 Qf6 2.Bb5 c4#
1.Qa3 Qg5 2.Rb3 c3#

Black pure Bristol.

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FEN: 3QK3/3P4/8/8/4k3/3qrp2/1pP1b3/1B2R3

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Moscow Tourney, 2016

1st-2nd Prize

Example: Bristol
h#7  (2+6)

1.Be4 Bf3 2.Sd7 Bg4 3.Sf8 Bc8 4.Qd7 Kh8 5.Qe8 Bf5+ 6.Kf7 Bh7 7.Bg6 Bg8#

Three Bristols in the same line of play.

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FEN: 6K1/4r3/1n3rk1/8/8/7q/6b1/7B

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mihajloski, Zlatko

Die Schwalbe, 2017

3rd Prize

Example: Bristol
h#4  (5+13)

1.Rh2 Rg2 2.Qc1 Rc2 3.Rd2 Rxc5 4.Qc3 Rxb5#

Bicolor Bristol (x2).

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FEN: 8/8/8/1ppp4/Pkqp1pPp/bP1pp3/3r4/3nK1R1

External links:

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

U.S. Problem Bulletin, 1992

1st Prize

Example: Bristol
h#3*  (6+3)

1...Rh8 2.Qg8 Bc8 3.Qg6 h4#

1.Kf5 Bh1 2.Qg2 Re8 3.Qg5 Be4#

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FEN: qR6/1B6/P4p2/1K4k1/8/4P2P/8/8

External links:

Kolesnik, Mikola

Semenenko, Valery

The Problemist, 2014

Example: Bristol
h#5.5  (3+11)

1...Ra4 2.Rb7 Rxd4 3.Rgc7 Rxd3 4.Qb6 Rd8 5.Bc5 d4 6.Bb5 d5#

Three Bristols: bR-bR, bQ-bB, and wR-wP. WP acts as a line-piece here.

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FEN: 8/5rr1/p1k5/8/3p4/3p4/1p1P1q2/R1n2bbK

External links:

Gurov, Valery

9th WCCT, 2012

2nd Place

Example: Bristol
h#3 2.1... (9+10)

1.Qxg3 Sf6 2.Bh7 g6 3.Rf3 e3#
1.Qxh7 Be5 2.Rg3 f3 3.Bg6 e4#

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FEN: 2K1nr2/7N/8/6P1/1pkP2n1/1prq2Bp/1Pb1PP2/5B2

External links:

Rotenberg, Jacques

Loustau, Jean-Marc

Phénix, 1992

2nd Prize

Example: Bristol
h#3 b) wPb3→f4  (3+14)

a) 1.Sd3 Qe6 2.Re3 Qxa6 3.R8e5 Qxc4#
b) 1.Se3 Qb5 2.Qd3 Qxe8 3.Bc4 Qxe5#

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FEN: 4r3/5p2/b6p/4n2p/2nk3K/pP4p1/4Qp1b/4rq2

External links:

Jones, Christopher James Austin

Springaren, 2012

1st Prize

Example: Bristol
h#3 2.1... (5+7)

1.Kd5 f4 2.Rb6 Rc6 3.Bd4 Bxg2#
1.Kd6 d4 2.Bb7 Bc6 3.Rc7 Rxf6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r5/K3n3/2k2r1R/8/6p1/8/3P1Pb1/b6B

External links:

Meinking, Dan

StrateGems, 2001

1st Prize

Example: Bristol
h#5 2.1... (8+8)

1.Qxg3 Ba2 2.Qg8 Rg6 3.Qxb3 Rc6 4.Qg8 Bd5 5.Qb8 Ra6#
1.Qxc2 Rh1 2.Qh7 Bg6 3.Qxh3 Be8 4.Qd7 Rh8 5.Qa7 Bc6#

Bicolor Bristol (x3).

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FEN: k7/4p3/6q1/p3p3/1p6/1Pp2pPP/2P2P2/1B2K1R1

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