Garai theme

H#2: Before each black move White has a possibility of mate, which doesn't work due to a lack of black tempo move.

See also: Bukovinszky-Garai theme; Bukovinszky theme; Complete helpmate; Lindner 1 theme; Lindner 2 theme.

Garai, Toma

Probleemblad, 1970

1st Comm.

Example: Garai theme
h#2* b) bRc2  (6+6)


1.Se3 Sa5 2.Rc2 Sf4#

1.Re3 Sa5 2.Rce2 Sb4#

Thematic tempo-tries:
a) 1.Se3 Sa5 2.?? Sb4#
b) 1.Re3 Sa5 2.?? Sf4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1p6/1PN5/3N4/4p3/2Pk4/2n1r2p/4B2K

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