
Two pieces of the same colour are placed so that when one moves the other is pinned. The theme is indicated if self-pinned and self-pinning pieces exchange their role in two phases.

See also: Anticipatory half-pin.

Blaustein, Yeshayahu

Israel Ring Tourney, 1967

2nd HM

Example: Half-pin
h#2 2.1... (6+6)

1.Qa6 Qf6 2.Bb5 c4#
1.Qa3 Qg5 2.Rb3 c3#

Half-pin (black).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3QK3/3P4/8/8/4k3/3qrp2/1pP1b3/1B2R3

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Piliczewski, Bogusz

The Problemist, 2013

2nd HM

Example: Half-pin
h#3 4.1... (6+9)

1.Sb1 Sxe4 2.Sc3 Sc2 3.Sexd5 Sd2#
1.Sxd5 Sd1 2.Sc3 Sc2 3.Sb3 Sde3#
1.Sb3 Sxf3 2.Sd4 Sa2 3.Sxd5 Sd2#
1.Sc2 Sxf5 2.Sd4 Sa2 3.S2b3 Se3#

Half-pin (white).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4B2K/8/q7/3P1p2/1PkNp3/2Npnp2/3n4/b7

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