Tempo sacrifice

The piece making the tempo move is sacrificed.

See also: Tempo move; Tempo maneuver.

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

feenschach, 1975

4th Comm.

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#4  (3+4)

1.Rb6 Bh8 2.Qxh8 Sc7 3.Qa1 Sd5 4.Rb2 Sc3#

wB tempo sacrifice.

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FEN: N7/8/6r1/6n1/7q/8/8/Bk1K4

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Norri, Joose

J. Gruengard MT, 2002

5th HM

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2.5 b) wBh3→d3  (8+11)

a) 1...Bg4 2.Bxg4 Kxg4 3.Ke4 Sf6#
b) 1...Sg5 2.Qxg5+ Kxg5 3.Ke6 Bxc4#

White tempo sacrifice + White Zajic

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FEN: 3b4/2pPr1nN/2P3P1/2Pkp2b/2pp3K/4q2B/4P1p1/8

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Jones, Christopher James Austin

Schach, 2010

2nd Prize

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#4.5  (3+9)

1...c8=S 2.Rb5 axb5 3.Kd7 b6 4.Rxc8 b7 5.Ke8 bxc8=Q#

wS tempo sacrifice & tempo promotion.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4k2r/2P1pb2/7p/p1r5/P7/p7/p7/K7

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Maslar, Zdravko

Die Schwalbe, 1981

3rd HM

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#3  (6+9)

1.Sf3 Rh1 2.Qxh1+ Kxg3 3.Qa1 d4#

wR tempo sacrifice.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/5p2/3P1kpp/6pq/p2P2p1/P1B3Kn/R7

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Feather, Christopher John

Scrapings 9, 2001

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2.5 2.1... (4+11)

1...Bb8 2.Rxb8 g8=Q+ 3.Ke5 Qe6#
1...Rc8 2.Rxc8 g8=S 3.Kc6 Se7#

wB and wR tempo sacrifices.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6r1/1b1n2P1/1pR5/1npkB3/3p1p2/4q3/4r3/7K

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Feather, Christopher John

Broodings, 2003

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2.5 2.1... (7+9)

1...c6 2.Qxc6 Rbb6 3.Qe8 Rf6#
1...d6 2.Qxd6 Re2 3.Qf8 Sh6#

wP tempo sacrifice.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3n3b/r1p2knP/R4q2/2PP1N2/8/8/1R6/Kb3r2

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Rotenberg, Jacques

Caillaud, Michel

Phénix, 1995

1st Prize

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2 2.1... (8+6)

1.Rd4 Bxd4 2.Kxd4 Qe4#
1.Bd5 Sxd5 2.Kxd5 Qe6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4K3/2P1b1Q1/4B3/1Pk1rp2/2Np1p2/3P1P2/8

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Caillaud, Michel

Liga Problemista, Mat Plus, 2009

1st Place

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#3 b) wSc7→g7  (4+8)

a) 1.Ke3 Bd3 2.Ba6 c3 3.Bxd3 Sd5#
b) 1.Bf5 Bc8 2.Ke3 Bxf5 3.gxf5 Sxf5#

wB tempo sacrifice in a), bB tempo sacrifice in b), reciprocal captures.

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FEN: 2b5/2N5/B5p1/6p1/3kp1p1/6K1/2Prr3/8

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Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Süddeutscher Rundfunk, 1960

2nd Prize

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#3  (10+11)

1.Ke3 Bh1 2.Qxh1 Kxg3 3.Qa8 c6#

wB tempo sacrifice, bQ tempo move (corner-to-corner).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: B7/3p4/1B1P2p1/2P3Pp/5k1K/2pP2pP/2Pp1p1q/4brN1

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Korponai, József

Problemista, 1968

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2 2.1... (5+6)
b) wKb5→f5

1.Se4 Sf6+ 2.Qxf6 Sc7#
1.Se6 Sc7+ 2.Qxc7 Sf6#
1.Sc4 Sb6+ 2.Qxb6 Se7#
1.Sc6 Se7+ 2.Qxe7 Sb6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: N2q2N1/7p/3p3P/1Knkn3/8/4P3/8/8

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Mihajloski, Zlatko

Vratnica-64, 2003

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#4.5  (3+5)

1...Sa7 2.Rxa7 a5 3.Kc6 axb6 4.Kb7 bxc7 5.Ka8 c8=Q#

wS tempo sacrifice.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 7K/2n5/1pN5/r2k4/P7/8/6r1/8

Shorokhov, Boris

Orbit, 2011

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2 2.1... (6+12)

1.Sa3 S4c3 2.Rxc3 Sxb4#
1.Ba5 S2c3 2.Sxc3 Sc5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5r2/Kp6/1P6/3b4/Nbp1n3/1r1kP3/Npn1p3/q1B5

Kricheli, Josif

Schach-Echo, 1975

3rd Prize

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2 3.1... (4+14)

1.Sc3 Shf1+ 2.Rxf1 Kxb4#
1.Sf6 Sxf3 2.Bxf3 Kxb5#
1.Sc7 Sg4+ 2.Rxg4 Kd6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1b6/1p6/1Bb3r1/1pKn1p2/1n3p2/3pkpN1/3q3N/1r6

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Gadjanski, Borislav

Maslar, Zdravko

Mat Plus, 2009

1st Prize

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#3 2.1... (8+8)

1.Sf1 Bh8 2.Qxh8 c4+ 3.Kd4 Sf3#
1.Sc4 Sg5 2.Qxg5 dxc4+ 3.Ke4 f3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/6n1/3k1r1q/3BNb2/2PP3p/2Pn1P2/2r3NK

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Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#3 2.1... (8+8)

1.Sf1 Bh8 2.Qxh8 c4+ 3.Kd4 Sf3#
1.Sc4 Sg5 2.Qxg5 dxc4+ 3.Ke4 f3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/6n1/3k1r1q/3BNb2/2PP3p/2Pn1P2/2r3NK

Feather, Christopher John

idee & form, 2001

4th Prize

Example: Tempo sacrifice
h#2.5 2.1... (6+8)

1...Sb2 2.Qxb2 cxb8=Q 3.Kd3 Qb5#
1...Sfe5 2.Qxe5 c8=Q 3.Kf3 Qg4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1r6/K1P3q1/8/8/1n2p2p/3N1N1P/2pPk2b/8

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