Tempo maneuver

Two or more moves of a piece that allows the opposite side to play as if the side making the tempo maneuver had not moved. The first move of the tempo maneuver cannot be a waiting move.

Tempo rundlauf is a special case of the tempo maneuver.

See also: Tempo move; Tempo rundlauf.

Caillaud, Michel

feenschach, 1987

1st Prize

Example: Tempo maneuver
h#9  (9+8)

1.a5 Bd2 2.a4 Bc1 3.a3 Bb2 4.a2 Ba3 5.a1=R+ Bc1 6.Ra2 Kg1 7.Rxf2 Bd2 8.Kg3 Be1 9.h3 Bxf2#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/p5p1/2p3P1/6PB/2p1p1Pp/2P1Pp1k/5P2/4B2K

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Linss, Torsten

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Die Schwalbe, 2020

1st Prize

Example: Tempo maneuver
h#8.5  (2+5)

1...Bh4 2.Kd6 Bd8 3.g5 Ba5 4.g4 Bd2 5.Bg5 Be3 6.Rf5 Bf2 7.Ke5 Bh4 8.Kf4 Kf2 9.Re4 Bg3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2k3p1/8/8/3r1b2/6B1/5r2/4K3

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Csák, János

idee & form, 1991

4th HM

Example: Tempo maneuver
h#3 3.1... (5+7)

1.Bb3 Sb2 2.Bc2+ Sd3 3.Bd1 Sf4#
1.Rh1 Se3 2.Rhg1+ Sg2 3.Rgf1 Sf4#
1.Kd3 Sb6 2.Ke3 Sd5+ 3.Ke2 Sf4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/B7/6K1/4P3/p1N5/P4n2/3pk3/3brr2

External links:

Caillaud, Michel

Die Schwalbe, 1983

3rd Prize

Example: Tempo maneuver
h#7  (7+9)

1.Bb7 a4 2.Bc8 a5 3.Bd7 a6 4.Be8 a7 5.Bf7 a8=Q 6.Bg8 Qf8 7.Bh7 Qf4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: b7/8/2p1p1p1/2P1P3/4P1P1/5p1p/P4P1k/5Knr

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Földeák, Árpád

Christmas Card, 1950

Example: Tempo maneuver
h#3  (5+9)

1.a1=Q+ Ke2 2.Qe5+ Kf1 3.Qb5 Rxb3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/5N2/p6p/rpP4p/Rp5k/p4P1p/3K4

External links:

Lindner, László

Magyar Sakkvilág, 1943


Example: Tempo maneuver
h#3  (8+6)

1.d2 e4 2.dxe1=B Se3 3.Bb4 Sc4#

Black waiting maneuver with AntiZielElement and self-compensation.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/2p5/2P5/b2P1P2/k2pP2K/2p1p1N1/2N1B3

External links:

Lindner, László

Magyar Sakkvilág TT, 1950

1st-3rd Prize

Example: Tempo maneuver
h#3  (4+8)

1.S4f3 a7 2.Sd2 a8=Q 3.Sxb1 Qa7#

Black waiting maneuver.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/5p2/P4Kp1/6P1/7n/8/6pn/1R3bkr

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Chepizhny, Viktor

Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya, 2011


Example: Tempo maneuver
h#2* 3.1... (11+15)

1...Bh5 2.Qe2 Be8#
1...Sd5 2.Se3 Sb4#
1...Rb7 2.Rb8 Rc7#

1.Qxe2 Rb7 2.Qb5 Rc7#
1.Sxe3 Bh5 2.Sd5 Be8#
1.Rxb8 Sd5 2.Rb7 Sb4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: rRN4b/p3p1r1/pBk1P3/P7/8/1P2N1p1/2PpBpPp/K2bqn1n

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