Stocchi blocks

Three or more self-blocks on the same square with the respective level of dual avoidance. Thus we may have triple, quadruple, quintuple avoidance, etc.

See also: Changed blocks.

Bakcsi, György

Probleemblad, 1962

2nd Prize

Example: Stocchi blocks
h#2 3.1... (7+12)

1.Rf3 Se5 2.Sxe7 Sg4#
1.Sf3 Sd4 2.Sf6 Sf5#
1.f3 Sb4 2.Sh6 Sd5#

1.Rf3 Se5 (Sb4?, Sd4?) 2.Sxe7 (Sh6?, Sf6?) Sg4#
1.f3 Sb4 (Sd4?, Se5?) 2.Sh6 (Sf6?, Sxe7?) Sd5#
1.Sf3 Sd4 (Se5?, Sb4?) 2.Sf6 (Sxe7?, Sh6?) Sf5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: K5n1/4P3/2N1P3/8/3n1p2/1p1Pk2p/1P1b1rbp/5Brq

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Braithwaite, Kenneth Holmes

The Problemist, 1981

Spec. HM

Example: Stocchi blocks
h#2 3.1... (3+5)

1.Sg6 Se6+ 2.Kh5 Sg7#
1.Qg6 Se2+ 2.Kh5 Sg3#
1.Rg6 Sg2+ 2.Kh5 Rh4#

1.Sg6 Se6+ (Se2+?, Sg2+?) 2.Kh5 Sg7#
1.Qg6 Se2+ (Sg2+?, Se6+?) 2.Kh5 Sg3#
1.Rg6 Sg2+ (Se6+?, Se2+?) 2.Kh5 Rh4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/3q3r/4n1n1/4RNk1/8/8/1K6

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