Sabra 26 theme

H#2: A black line-piece makes a critical move along the line on B1. Another black piece moves onto that line on B2, making an interference of the piece moving on B1 and unguarding mating square or line.

This is the theme of the 26th SABRA Composing Tourney (Batumi, 2023).

See also: Cheney-Loyd theme.

Witztum, Menachem

Polish Chess Fedetation, 2023

Example: Sabra 26 theme
h#2 b) bRf6  (6+5)

a) 1.Bd4 Ba3 2.Se5 Sf6#
b) 1.Rc6 Be3 2.Sd6 Be6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4b3/3B1n2/5b2/3k1P2/K5Nr/3P4/8/2B5

Witztum, Menachem

Polish Chess Fedetation, 2023

Example: Sabra 26 theme
h#2 2.1... (5+13)

1.Be6 Rh1 2.f5 Rh4#
1.Bh8 Bc5 2.f6 Bxd6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3n4/3p1p2/3p2pK/3pb1P1/4Pkb1/2p2rp1/5Bp1/4R3