
Simultaneous move of King and Rook, both of which had to be stationary on their home squares up to that point in the game.

See also: Artificial castling; Valladao task.

Albertz, Heinrich

Henke, Karl

Die Schwalbe, TT-86, 1948

1st Prize

Example: Castling
h#2*  (3+3)

1...Qxh4 2.0-0 Qh7#

1.Rh7 0-0 2.Re7 Qc8#

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FEN: 4k2r/8/8/8/2Q4p/8/8/4K2R

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Steudel, Friedrich Theodor

Staudte, Hans Hilmar

Aachener Nachrichten, 1970

Example: Castling
h#4  (4+15)

1.Bd5 0-0-0 2.Ke4+ Kb1 3.Ra1+ Kxa1 4.Rf4 Re1#

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FEN: 8/8/2np3q/5p2/1b1pbk1n/p1pp2pP/r4rP1/R3K3

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Paliulionis, Viktoras

Csak-Majoros-Pasztor, G. Bakcsi-85 JT (h#4-6 theme), 2018

1st Prize

Example: Castling
h#6 2.1... (2+6)

1.Rd8 Bc8 2.Rb5 Ba6 3.Rd6+ Kb7 4.Kd7 Kb8 5.Kc6 Kc8 6.Qc5 Bb7#
1.Qe7 Bd1 2.Qa7 Kd6 3.0-0-0+ Ke6 4.Kb7 Ba4 5.Rb8 Kd7 6.Ba6 Bc6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: r3k3/8/1pK5/6r1/6B1/3bq3/8/8

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Zezza, Isidoro

CarrĂ , Arturo

2nd FIDE Tournament, 1959

1st Prize

Example: Castling
h#5  (3+10)

1.0-0-0 Ka2 2.b1=R Se4 3.Sc7+ c4 4.bxc3 e.p.+ Ka3 5.Rb8 Sd6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: r3k1b1/3p4/2p5/3n4/pp6/2N5/1pP5/1K2n3

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