
A move that eliminates a pin. With pinning side initiative, this can be done in two ways:

With pinned side initiative, this can be done in the following ways:

See also: Pinning; Abdurahmanovic 1 theme; Onkoud-St German theme.

Bansac, Pierre

Magyar Sakkélet, 1966

1st Prize

Example: Unpin
h#2 5.1... (4+13)

1.Bf6 Be4 2.d4 Rc1#
1.Bc6 Bb1 2.b2 Ba2#
1.Sf6 Bxh5 2.f2 Be2#
1.d6 Be8 2.Bb5 Bxb5#
1.Se6 Be4 2.Se5 Bxd5#

Indirect unpin of wS (5x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5nq1/3p4/1K4Br/3p3r/b1k3np/Ppb2p2/8/3R4

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Kiss, Janos

(corr. Y. Bilokin, 2021)

Schach-Echo, 1975

Example: Unpin
h#5  (3+15)

1.Bg8 Sxe5 2.Qa8+ Sc6 3.Qa1 Sxd4 4.Rb2 Sxe2 5.Rc1 Sc3#

5 consecutive unpins of wS.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4q3/2n4b/3p2N1/1p2b3/1r1pK1p1/3P1pp1/2p1n3/1k2r3

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