Somov mate

Black either blocks a thematic square (block Somov, Somov B2) or opens a white line to guard a thematic square (line-opening Somov, Somov B1), thus enabling White to close a guard line to that square in the mate. [FIDE Album]

See also: Anti-Levman.

Alias: Somov 1/2; Somov B1/B2; Theme B/B2.

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Kotelec, 1987

Example: Somov mate
h#2 4.1... (7+5)

1.Sc3 Rfc8 2.Se4 Rd5#
1.Se3 Rd5+ 2.Ke4 Rf4#
1.Sb4 Rxf3 2.Sd3 Be3#
1.Sf4 Bd5 2.Kxe5 Bf6#

Somov B2 (x4).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: B4RK1/8/3b4/2RnP1B1/3k2P1/5p2/8/1q6

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