Mirror mate

Each of the eight squares adjacent to the king is unoccupied in the mate.

Grubert, Harald

Schachmaty (Baku), 1990

1st Prize

Example: Mirror mate
h#4 b) wSd4→f5  (5+1)

a) 1.Kf1 S4e6 2.Ke2 Kb4 3.Kd3 Sf4+ 4.Kd4 Sc6#
b) 1.Kg2 f4 2.Kf3 Se6 3.Ke4 f3+ 4.Kd5 Sc7#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3N4/8/8/1K6/3N4/5P2/5P2/6k1

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Alaikov, Venelin

diagrammes, 2001

2nd Prize

Example: Mirror mate
h#2 2.1... (6+9)

1.Sd4+ Ka4 2.Bd8 Se8#
1.Sc7 Kc2 2.Bf2 Sf5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r5/1p4k1/R2Nn3/4p3/4r2b/BK6/B7/3n1q1R

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Bakcsi, György

Zoltán, László

The Problemist, N. Macleod MT, 1994

1st Prize

Example: Mirror mate
h#2 3.1... (4+11)

1.c4 Rxc4 2.Rgf3 Rxh5#
1.d4 Rxd4 2.Rbb3 Rxc5#
1.h4 Rxh4 2.Rdb3 Rxd5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2K2p2/2RR3R/1rpp1k1p/8/3r2r1/q6b/3b4

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