Meerane theme

The first and the last moves are completely identical. This means:

The following Meerane theme forms are identified in Helpmate Analyzer:

  1. The first white move is identical to the mating move.
  2. The first black move is identical to the mating move.
  3. The first and last black moves are completely identical.
  4. Reciprocal forms.

See also: Kozhakin theme.

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

Mat Plus, 2009

2nd Prize

Example: Meerane theme
h#3.5 2.1... (3+10)

1...Sf3 2.Kd5 Sxe5 3.Kxe5 Sg1 4.Rd5 Sf3#
1...Sc3 2.Rb4 Sxa4 3.Kb5 Se2 4.Kxa4 Sc3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/2kpp3/p3p1K1/p2rr3/pp6/4N3/6N1

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Rimkus, Mečislovas

Die Schwalbe, 2018

Example: Meerane theme
h#6  (3+10)

1.Sb4 cxb4 2.Kc3 bxa5 3.Kb4 c3+ 4.Kxa5 Kd4 5.Sd5 Kc5 6.Sb4 cxb4#

Double Meerane in the single line (bS & wP).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1p2p3/rn6/p2n4/b1p1K3/2P5/2Pk4/b7

External links:

Luce, Sébastien

Die Schwalbe, TT-214, 2019

2nd HM

Example: Meerane theme
h#4.5 2.1... (4+8)

1...Sf6 2.Sg5 Sxh5 3.Kf3 Sf4 4.Kg4 Sd5 5.Kh5 Sf6#
1...Sc7 2.Kd3 Sxa6 3.Kc4 Sb4 4.Kb5 Sd5 5.Ka6 Sc7#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/pb4K1/p1p5/p1PN3q/8/5nP1/4k3/8

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Die Schwalbe, TT-214, 2019

2nd Prize (Miniatures)

Example: Meerane theme
h#7  (2+4)

1.Qe2 Be4+ 2.Qdd3 Kf6 3.Kd1 Ke5 4.Qa6 Kd4 5.Sd2 Kc3 6.Qe1 Kb2 7.Qae2 Bc2#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/6K1/q2q4/8/8/8/2k5/1n5B

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Die Schwalbe, 2010

1st Prize

Example: Meerane theme
h#6  (2+12)

1.Be6 Kd1 2.Qe5 Ke2 3.Kf5+ Kf3 4.Bb3 Bc4 5.f6 Bg8 6.Be6 Bh7#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/3p1p2/8/n5pp/4k3/pbp5/p6q/2K2B1r

External links:

Rehm, Hans Peter

Schach-Echo, 1988

1st Prize

Example: Meerane theme
h#7  (3+11)

1.Bh5 Kc1 2.Kg4 Kd1 3.Kh4+ Ke1 4.Bd1 Kf2 5.Se2 Kf3 6.Sg3+ Kf4 7.Bh5 hxg3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2p3p1/2p3p1/3p1k2/3p1n2/3p3p/3P3P/1K1b4

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