Mates on the same square

At least 3 different mating moves are made on the same square.

See also: Play on the same square.

Krizhanivsky, Vasil

V. Rudenko MT, 2016

2nd Prize

Example: Mates on the same square
h#2 4.1... (5+9)

1.Be4 Sxd4+ 2.Kxf4 Bxg5#
1.Bxe6 Bxe5 2.Qe4 Rxg5#
1.Bxf6 Rxf6+ 2.Ke4 Sxg5#
1.Kxg6 Sf8+ 2.Kh6 fxg5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1q6/4NBR1/3bbkpp/3p1Pn1/6r1/3K4/8

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Durashevic, Branislav

Mat Plus, 1994

1st Prize

Example: Mates on the same square
h#3 4.1... (5+15)

1.e5 c8=R 2.e4 Rc7 3.e5 Rf7#
1.Qxd5 c8=Q 2.Qe4 Qc4 3.e5 Qf7#
1.Bxh5 c8=S 2.Kxg5 Sd6 3.Kh6 Sf7#
1.Sf4 c8=B 2.Kg6 Bxe6 3.Bf5 Bf7#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4Knrr/2P1p1pp/4p1n1/b1qP1kPR/3p2bp/2p5/8/8

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Goldschmeding, Cornelis

Probleemblad, 1994

1st Prize

Example: Mates on the same square
h#2 5.1... (8+11)

1.d5 bxc4 2.Kd6 c5#
1.Rxf3 Qxe7+ 2.Kd4 Qc5#
1.Kb4 Se4+ 2.Kxb3 Sc5#
1.Kd5 Rxc4 2.R7e6 Rc5#
1.Kb6 Bxe7 2.Bb5 Bc5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2B2B2/2ppr3/2n5/p1k5/2b5/nP1qrN2/3N1b2/K1R1Q3

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Tribowski, Marcel

harmonie, 1992

1st Prize

Example: Mates on the same square
h#3 3.1... (4+9)

1.Ke3 Bxc4 2.Rf1 Se6 3.Rf3 Re2#
1.Qf4 Sf5 2.Kf3 Rh2 3.Be4 Be2#
1.Sd3 Rg3 2.Se5 Bd3+ 3.Kf4 Se2#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: b3K3/5p2/5p2/8/2pNk2q/1p6/1n4R1/5Br1

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Jonsson, Bernt Christer

The Problemist, 1993

Example: Mates on the same square
h#2 7.1... (10+12)

1.Bb1 bxc4 2.Bf5 cxd5#
1.Re4 fxe4 2.Qf5 exd5#
1.Rxf3 e4 2.Rf5 exd5#
1.Sd6 c4 2.Sf5 cxd5#
1.Se7 d4 2.Sf5 d5#
1.Rh5 Bc6 2.Rf5 Bxd5#
1.f5 Sc5+ 2.Kf6 Sxd5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3KB2r/1Np3p1/1b2kp2/3np3/1Nn4P/1PP1rP2/b2PP3/5q2

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