
Bicoloured Bristol where second piece moves immediately to the square right in front the one where the first piece moved.

See also: Loshinsky magnet; Anti-magnet.

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Probleemblad, 1988

3rd Prize

Example: Magnet
h#3 2.1... (4+11)

1.Re2 Bc1 2.Qd2 Sa3 3.Ke3 Sc2#
1.Qh7 Bc2 2.Qd3 Bf6+ 3.Ke4 Sc3#

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FEN: 8/p7/1p2r1Bq/np4B1/3k2K1/4r3/5bp1/1N4n1

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Paliulionis, Viktoras

Moscow Tourney, 2016

1st-2nd Prize

Example: Magnet
h#7  (2+6)

1.Be4 Bf3 2.Sd7 Bg4 3.Sf8 Bc8 4.Qd7 Kh8 5.Qe8 Bf5+ 6.Kf7 Bh7 7.Bg6 Bg8#

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FEN: 6K1/4r3/1n3rk1/8/8/7q/6b1/7B

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Jonsson, Bernt Christer

U.S. Problem Bulletin, 1992

1st Prize

Example: Magnet
h#3*  (6+3)

1...Rh8 2.Qg8 Bc8 3.Qg6 h4#

1.Kf5 Bh1 2.Qg2 Re8 3.Qg5 Be4#

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FEN: qR6/1B6/P4p2/1K4k1/8/4P2P/8/8

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Geissler, Norbert

Die Schwalbe, 1991

1st Prize

Example: Magnet
h#7  (2+8)

1.Bh1 Bg2 2.Qh7 Kxf2 3.Rd8 Ke3 4.Kd7 Ba8 5.Bb7 Kd4 6.Bc8 Kd5 7.Qe7 Bc6#

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FEN: B1k5/1bp5/8/8/3r4/8/2q2p1r/5Kn1

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Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mihajloski, Zlatko

A. Selivanov-50 JT, 2017

4th Prize

Example: Magnet
h#5  (3+15)

1.Qa1 Bb2 2.Bd6 Be5 3.Qd4 Bh2 4.Bg3 fxg3 5.Ke5 g4#

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FEN: 8/2p5/n3rn2/3pqk2/1p2p2p/Bp3p2/3p1P1b/3b1K2

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