Lacny cycle

Cyclic shift of three or more mates (A, B, C) after three or more moves of Black (a, b, c): aA-bB-cC-aB-bC-cA. No less 6 phases are required.

Alias: Lacny theme.

Chepizhny, Viktor

Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya, 2011


Example: Lacny cycle
h#2* 3.1... (11+15)

1...Bh5 2.Qe2 Be8#
1...Sd5 2.Se3 Sb4#
1...Rb7 2.Rb8 Rc7#

1.Qxe2 Rb7 2.Qb5 Rc7#
1.Sxe3 Bh5 2.Sd5 Be8#
1.Rxb8 Sd5 2.Rb7 Sb4#

Lacny 2x3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: rRN4b/p3p1r1/pBk1P3/P7/8/1P2N1p1/2PpBpPp/K2bqn1n

External links:

Stojnic, Mihailo, 2018

Example: Lacny cycle
h#2 3.1... (8+12)
b) wBh8→f7

1.Rxe5 Qe8 2.Ke4 Qxe5#
1.Rc5 Qxb7 2.Rxd5 Qb4#
1.Bxd5 Qg8 2.Ke4 Qg4#
1.Rxe5 Qg8 2.Ke4 Qg4#
1.Rc5 Qe8 2.Kc4 Qa4#
1.Bxd5 Qxb7 2.Re4 Qxd5#

Lacny 2x3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: Q6B/Ppb5/3P4/3PPn2/3k4/3p3p/p1rP1Kb1/4rn1q