Kluver 10 theme

In a helpmate more-mover Black plays three ambush moves in the same line of play, each of which is followed by White gate-opening.

Sammelius, Carel Johan Robert

The Problemist, 1985

(corr. V. Paliulionis)

Example: Kluver 10 theme
h#6  (2+10)

1.Bd2 Sxe4 2.Ba5 Sxd6 3.Re6 Sxf5 4.Rb6 Sxg7 5.Qh7 Se6 6.Qa7 Sxc5#

Three active ambushes.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/6p1/k2p3b/1bp2p2/4p3/2N5/6K1/1q2r3

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