Klasinc theme

Piece A leaves square a to allow a second piece B to pass over square a to its destination. After the move of piece B, the thematic piece A returns to square a.

In the basic form of the theme, piece B moves across square a. In the second form of the Klasinc theme (type 2), piece B reaches its final destination in two moves, first playing to square a.

Fox, Charles Masson

The Chess Amateur, 1922

1st Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#3  (3+10)

1.Be5 Kd5 2.Qb1 Ke6 3.Bb2 Kxf5#

Klasinc bB-bQ.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5BB1/8/pq6/5r2/2K5/3p4/kbn3p1/r4b2

External links:

Telkes, Imre

Magyar Sakkvilág, 1937


Example: Klasinc theme
h#4  (6+8)

1.Ra1 Rb1 2.Rh1 Rg1 3.Rd1 Rg4 4.Rhf1 Re4#

2x Klasinc bR-wR: Loyd's clearance Klasinc + Bristol Klasinc.

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FEN: 8/6K1/8/6P1/Pp6/1Pp2p2/1RPpkp2/3r1r2

External links:

Páros, György

Fleck, Ferenc

O. Bláthy MT, 1940

1st-3rd Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#4  (4+16)

1.Rg5 Bh4 2.Qg4 Bxh3 3.Qg2 Bxd7 4.Rg3 Bd8#

Klasinc bR-wBbQ, Klasinc bQ-wB.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/nb1p4/rk4p1/3p3p/2pP4/3p1prp/3n1Bqb/4KB2

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Orbit, 2006

2nd Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#4  (4+9)

1.Sd1+ Sf2 2.Sf6 Se4 3.Sf2 Sd6 4.S6e4 Sf5#

2x Klasinc bS-wS (type 2).

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FEN: 5K2/8/8/8/4n1p1/3pk1Pp/3pbnP1/5r1N

External links:

Semenenko, Valery

Belgrade Internet Tourney, 2017

4th Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#2 2.1... (4+11)

1.Bf5 Bg8 2.Be6 Qa1#
1.Kf7 Bxf3 2.Bb3 Bd5#

Reciprocal Klasinc bB-wB / wB-bB.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4n3/3pp1np/4bk2/3B2p1/6pN/K4p1r/8/5Q2

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Die Schwalbe, 2010

1st Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#6  (2+12)

1.Be6 Kd1 2.Qe5 Ke2 3.Kf5+ Kf3 4.Bb3 Bc4 5.f6 Bg8 6.Be6 Bh7#

Bristol Klasinc bB-wB.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/3p1p2/8/n5pp/4k3/pbp5/p6q/2K2B1r

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

Die Schwalbe, 1988


Example: Klasinc theme
h#6  (2+4)

1.Ba8 Bb7 2.Rh2 Kd7 3.g3 Bc8 4.Kg2 Ke6 5.Kh3 Kf5 6.Bg2 Kg5#

Klasinc bB-wBbRbK.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2K5/8/8/8/6p1/8/3r2b1/5k1B

External links:

Martin Anton, Luis Miguel

feenschach, 2012

Example: Klasinc theme
h#4  (4+12)

1.Be3 Re1 2.Bc1 Re8 3.Be3 Re1 4.Bc1 R1e7#

Klasinc (bB-wR) 3x.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/6k1/1p1p2p1/ppn3Pp/5p2/p1K5/5n2/RRb5

Chepizhny, Viktor

The Problemist, 2018

6th Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#4.5  (5+10)

1...Sg3 2.Kc6 Sfe4 3.Bf2 Sd6 4.Bb6 Sge4 5.Bd7 b5#

Klasinc wS-wS.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4b3/2p5/6pp/1k1p3p/1P2Np1K/7P/3p1N2/4b3

External links:

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mat Plus, 2008

3rd HM

Example: Klasinc theme
h#5  (4+8)

1.Se3 Bxc2 2.Ra1 Bb1 3.Bb3 Bc2 4.Re1 Bb1 5.Bd1 Bd3#

Klasinc (bB-bR)
Klasinc (wB-bB)
2x Klasinc (wB-bR)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/8/8/p3P3/2K2n2/P1p1kp2/1Brb1n2

External links:

Ott, Markus Johannes

Geissler, Norbert

Die Schwalbe, 1992

Example: Klasinc theme
h#5  (2+13)

1.Rc8 Rf6 2.R3c7 Rc6 3.Sa2 Rc2 4.Rc3 Rc1 5.R8c4 Rxb1#

Klasinc bR-bRwR, Klasinc bR-wR.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5R2/8/8/4pp2/bnrp4/pkrpp3/3p4/1n1K4

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

feenschach, 1986

2nd HM

Example: Klasinc theme
h#3 2.1... (5+4)

1.Sb4 Ra1 2.Sa2 Bc6+ 3.Ka6 Rxa2#
1.Bh3 Bh1 2.Bg2 Ra5+ 3.Kc6 Bxg2#

Klasinc bB-wB, Klasinc bS-wR.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: B7/3p4/R2P4/1kP5/8/8/n3K1b1/8

External links:

Semenenko, Oleksandr

A. Kirichenko-60 JT, 2015

4th-5th Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#5.5  (2+13)

1...e4 2.Be3 exf5 3.a1=B fxe6 4.Bad4 exf7 5.Ba7 fxe8=Q 6.Beb6 Qc8#

Klasinc bB-bB.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1n2r3/5p2/kbn1r3/pb3p2/8/3p1q2/p3P3/4K3

Bakcsi, György

Die Schwalbe, 1967

1st Prize

Example: Klasinc theme
h#4  (7+9)

1.h2 Rg1 2.h1=Q Rf5 3.Qh8 Rgg5 4.Qxe5 Rxe5#

Klasinc wR-wR.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1p1p4/3Pp3/4P1RR/3pkp2/3p1p1p/3P1P2/5K2

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

StrateGems, 2019

2nd HM

Example: Klasinc theme
h#7  (2+4)

1.Rh7 Bg7 2.Re8+ Kd7 3.Se5+ Kd6 4.Sd7 Be5 5.Kc8 Kc6 6.Kd8 Kb7 7.Rhe7 Bc7#

Klasinc bR-bR
Klasinc wB-bS (type 2)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3K4/1k2r3/4r3/4B3/8/5n2/8/8

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