Hideaway maneuver

Two or more consecutive moves of a piece, the sole purpose of which is to go to a square, from where this piece does not disturb the solution.

A more formal definition of the hideaway maneuver: A piece X doing a maneuver from square A to square B could, instead, hypothetically have been removed from the board and the solution would remain successful. The length of the maneuver must be at least 2 moves.

Additional restrictions and permissions:

1) If X hypothetically stayed on square A instead of doing the maneuver, it would disturb the solution.

2) The final and intermediate squares of the maneuver must differ from A.

3) At least one move of the maneuver must not be the only legal move available to X.

4) The moves of the maneuver do not necessarily follow in succession.

5) In the initial position of the problem, X does not necessarily stand on square A.

See also: Hideaway.

Dolginovich, Nikolay

Die Schwalbe, 1993

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#2 2.1... (9+11)

1.Bg7 Rxh6 2.Bxh6 Rb8#
1.Be5 Rxf4 2.Bxf4 Rb8#

Hideaway maneuver (bB, capturing, 2) × 2.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5R1R/2p5/p1P4p/p6P/P4pPK/5P1P/pbp5/rkr5

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Maslar, Zdravko

feenschach, 1988

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#5  (2+9)

1.Qa1 c4 2.Qh1 c5 3.g1=R c6 4.Ra1 c7 5.Ra7 c8=Q#

bQ hideaway maneuver.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: k7/q3p3/4p3/5p2/3p4/1K1p4/2Pb2p1/8

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Földeák, Árpád

Christmas Card, 1950

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#3  (5+9)

1.a1=Q+ Ke2 2.Qe5+ Kf1 3.Qb5 Rxb3#

bQ hideaway maneuver is a part of the longer waiting maneuver.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/5N2/p6p/rpP4p/Rp5k/p4P1p/3K4

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Štambuk, Sveto

Sahovski vjesnik, 1951

3rd HM

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#2  (5+4)

1.Sc2 Bh6 2.Sa1 Bc4#

The last move of bS hideaway maneuver is the waiting move.

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FEN: 5B2/5k2/5b2/1B6/7N/4n3/7p/4R2K

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Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Süddeutscher Rundfunk, 1960

2nd Prize

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#3  (10+11)

1.Ke3 Bh1 2.Qxh1 Kxg3 3.Qa8 c6#

bQ hideaway maneuver with the capture of the white piece and a tempo move.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: B7/3p4/1B1P2p1/2P3Pp/5k1K/2pP2pP/2Pp1p1q/4brN1

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Maslar, Zdravko

Die Schwalbe, 1981

3rd HM

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#3  (6+9)

1.Sf3 Rh1 2.Qxh1+ Kxg3 3.Qa1 d4#

bQ hideaway maneuver with the capture of the white piece and a tempo move.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/5p2/3P1kpp/6pq/p2P2p1/P1B3Kn/R7

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Lindner, László

Magyar Sakkvilág TT, 1950

1st-3rd Prize

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#3  (4+8)

1.S4f3 a7 2.Sd2 a8=Q 3.Sxb1 Qa7#

bS hideaway maneuver is a part of the longer waiting maneuver. The last move of the hideaway maneuver is a waiting move.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/5p2/P4Kp1/6P1/7n/8/6pn/1R3bkr

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Liskovets, Valery

The Problemist, 2020

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#4.5  (10+9)

1...e6 2.Bf8 exf7 3.Bc5 f8=Q 4.Bb6 c5 5.Bb1 Qxf6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/p1p2pb1/p1P2p1p/P2BPP1P/1PP1P3/8/b7/k4K2

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Caillaud, Michel

Die Schwalbe, 1983

3rd Prize

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#7  (7+9)

1.Bb7 a4 2.Bc8 a5 3.Bd7 a6 4.Be8 a7 5.Bf7 a8=Q 6.Bg8 Qf8 7.Bh7 Qf4#

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FEN: b7/8/2p1p1p1/2P1P3/4P1P1/5p1p/P4P1k/5Knr

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Kovacevic, Marjan

British Chess Magazine, 1986

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#2  (4+6)

1.Qh8 0-0 2.Qa1 Bxf7#

bQ hideaway maneuver with mutual tempo moves inside it.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6B1/5n1n/8/8/N7/b7/kq5r/4K2R

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Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Schach-Echo, 1979

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#2*  (5+3)

1...Bh1 2.Sg4 Rf3#

1.Sd5 Rf2 2.Sb4 Bd7#

bS Hideaway maneuver + bS tempo inside it
Hidden tempo try: 1.Sg4 Rf2 2.?? Bg2#

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FEN: 5R2/8/2B2n2/6P1/7p/7k/8/1K3N2

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Comay, Ofer

Variantim, Israel Ring Tourney, 2014

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway maneuver
h#3 2.1... (7+11)

1.Bg5 Bxg5 2.Qxg4 Re7 3.Qgxd4 Rxe1#
1.Rdc7 Rxc7 2.Qxb3 Be7 3.Qxd5 Bxa3#

Hideaway maneuver (bQ, capturing, 2) x 2
Hideaway (bB, sacrificial)
Hideaway (bR, sacrificial)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3B4/3r2R1/5b2/3P4/3P2P1/nP1p4/1qrp4/1bkqnK2

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