
A piece moves to a square from where it does not disturb the solution. (Definition from FIDE Album)

A more formal definition of a hideaway move: a unit could hypothetically have been removed from the board instead of being moved to a certain square (the thematic move) and the solution would still be successful. If the unit hypothetically remained on the original square, it would disturb the solution. This means that the thematic move must not be a tempo move. This definition is based on the definitiom of helpmate theme in the 9th WCCT.

Note: In Helpmate Analyzer, in the case of a pawn, the thematic move must not be the only legal move available to it.

Special cases of hideaways are: sacrificial, critical, capturing, checking, self-pinning, promotional hideaways.

See also: Allowing hideaway; Hideaway maneuver.

Feather, Christopher John

Moultings 2, 1991

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+7)

1.Qh8 Bd3 2.e5 Rd5#
1.Qg8 Be2 2.f5 Re5#

Hideaway (bQ) × 2.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2q5/p7/P3pp2/k7/N1BRR3/8/2K5/3rr3

External links:

Kirtley, Mark

The Problemist, 1988

1st HM

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+7)

1.Bh7 Bd8 2.Rg6 Re2#
1.Rh6 Rf2 2.Bg6 Bc7#

Hideaway (bB, critical)
Hideaway (bR, critical)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2B1r3/6n1/4r3/B1Ppk3/4b2R/7K/2R3p1/8

External links:

Páros, György

Magyar Sakkvilág, 1940

2nd HM

Example: Hideaway
h#3  (4+12)

1.b1=S Bc1 2.d1=S Bf4 3.f1=S Qa2#

Hideaway (bP, promotional) × 3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/1pn1b3/3k3p/1P1bn3/B1p2p2/1p1p1p1Q/7K

External links:

Shinkman, William A.

Detroit Free Press, 1884 (corr. 1921)

Example: Hideaway
h#3  (3+8)

1.Rh1 Rg1 2.Bg8 Rxg8 3.Rxb1 Rxa8#

Hideaway (bB, sacrificial).

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FEN: q7/8/8/1Kp5/1p6/2b5/bp6/kBRr4

External links:

Pachl, Franz

Schach-Report, 1992

4th Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (9+8)

1.Bxe5 Sb4 2.Ke3 Bb6#
1.Sxd5 Sf7 2.Kf3 Qf5#

Self-pinning hideaways of bB and bS.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5r2/1BBQR3/8/K2NN3/2Pb1nP1/2p5/4qkp1/1r6

External links:

Morgner, Willy

Schachkongress Teplitz-Schönau im Oktober 1922, 1923

Example: Hideaway
h#3  (4+4)

1.Re5 Ba8 2.Be6 Sb7+ 3.Kd5 Se7#

Hideaway (wB, critical).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4r1N1/8/3k4/N7/3p4/3K4/b7/7B

External links:

Petkov, Petko A.

Shakhmatna Misl, 1990

Example: Hideaway
h#2  (11+10)
b) wSh1→b4 c) wSh1→h7

a) 1.Sxb5 Rd3 2.Kxd3 Sf2#
b) 1.Rbxb3 Rd4+ 2.Kxd4 Rc4#
c) 1.Bxc5 Rd5 2.Kxd5 Sf6#

Hideaway (wR, sacrificial) × 3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2b1K3/n1PRP3/2P1p3/1BR1P3/4kP1p/bN2r3/1r2p3/1n5N

External links:

Gurov, Valery

Probleemblad, 2001

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 3.1... (11+10)

1.Qxd2 b6 2.Sxa5 Sb5#
1.Qxa5 f5 2.Sxd4 Bf4#
1.Qxd4 a7 2.Sxd2 Ra6#

Hideaway (bQ, capturing) × 3
Hideaway (bS, capturing) × 3

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1R6/P2k1pp1/RPpP2P1/p2N1P2/Knq5/B1rB4/r1n5

External links:

Kluxen, Wilhelm

Kniests Schachbriefe, 1943

Example: Hideaway
h#3  (9+6)

1.Rh4 Ra8 2.Sg4 Sa7 3.Kxa3 Sxc4#

Hideaway (bR, critical)
Hideaway (wR, critical)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4K3/3B4/3P4/1N2N3/RPp1r3/PpP1n3/bk6/8

External links:

Gandev, Krasimir

Match Bulgaria-Romania, 1975

1st Place

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+11)

1.Rf2 c4 2.R8f5 Rc3#
1.Qe4 Rh1 2.Bf5 Qg1#

Hideaway (wP)
Hideaway (wR)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5r2/4K2b/4prq1/8/3n2p1/4k1P1/1pPpp1P1/1QR5

External links:

Semenenko, Valery

Y. Vladimirov-80 JT, Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya, 2015

5th Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#5.5  (2+8)

1...Bg1 2.f1=S Bd4 3.g1=B Kd1 4.Kg2 Ke2 5.Kh2 Kxf1 6.h3 Bxg1#

Hideaway (bP, sacrificial promotional) × 2
Schnoebelen theme × 2

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3r4/3r4/8/8/7p/5kb1/5ppB/2K4n

External links:

Paliulionis, Viktoras

4th FIDE World Cup, 2015

2nd Comm.

Example: Hideaway
h#9  (2+4)

1.Qb8 Ka5 2.Kb7 Ba3 3.Kc6 Bd6 4.Kd5 Bxb8 5.Kc4 Bd6 6.Kb3 Ba3 7.Ka2 Kb4 8.Ka1 Kb3 9.Sb1 Bb2#

Hideaway (bQ, sacrificial).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: k7/8/K7/4p3/8/1qn5/1B6/8

External links:

Blaustein, Yeshayahu

Israel Ring Tourney, 1967

2nd HM

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+6)

1.Qa6 Qf6 2.Bb5 c4#
1.Qa3 Qg5 2.Rb3 c3#

All black moves are hideaways:
Hideaway (bB, critical)
Hideaway (bQ) × 2
Hideaway (bR, critical)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3QK3/3P4/8/8/4k3/3qrp2/1pP1b3/1B2R3

External links:

Sobrecases, Guy

Loustau, Jean-Marc

Springaren, 2010

Example: Hideaway
h#5  (2+7)

1.Qh8 Ke6 2.Ra8 Kf5 3.Rha1 Kf4 4.Kh1 Kxf3 5.h2 Kf2#

Three consecutive black hideaways:
Hideaway (bQ)
Hideaway (bR) × 2

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: q7/1B1Kp3/8/8/8/5b1p/7k/r6r

External links:

Garai, Toma

Thema Danicum, 1976


Example: Hideaway
h#3 b) bBf8  (4+3)

a) 1.Qg1 Sg3 2.Rf1 Se4 3.Ra1 Sc3#
b) 1.Qh8 Sf2 2.Bg7 Sd3 3.Ba1 Sc1#

Hideaway (bQ) × 2.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5r2/8/8/8/1B6/8/k1K1P3/q6N

External links:

Fougiaxis, Charalampos Harry

Shahmat, Israel Ring Tourney, 1985

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 b) bPd6→b5  (10+11)

a) 1.Qxc5 Qxe4 2.Se2 Qxa4#
b) 1.Rxd5 Qxc3 2.Sd2 Qf6#

Hideaway (bQ, capturing)
Hideaway (bR, capturing)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/7r/PPkp4/2NNr1p1/pq2n3/bPn5/2Q2PB1/2R1Kb2

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

feenschach, 1990

3rd HM

Example: Hideaway
h#4  (4+6)

1.Sf2 Kxf2 2.d1=S+ Kf3 3.Bf4 gxf4 4.c1=B Bb1#

Hideaway (bS, sacrificial)
Hideaway (bP, promotional)
Hideaway (bP, promotional checking)

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FEN: 8/8/4p3/4Pk2/8/6P1/B1pp4/2bn2K1

External links:

Semenenko, Oleksandr

Semenenko, Valery

9th WCCT, 2013

1st Place

Example: Hideaway
h#3 3.1... (5+12)

1.Sxd3 Rg2 2.Qf6 Rg7 3.d5 Bd7#
1.Sxa4 Rh2 2.Bg4 Rh6+ 3.Kf5 Sxd6#
1.Sxc4 Rf2 2.Sfe5 Rf8 3.Qe7 Sf4#

Hideaway (bS, capturing) × 3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/p7/3pk3/6q1/B1N5/pp1Npn1b/Rn6/1Kbr4

External links:

Macleod, Norman Alasdair

Mat (Belgrade), 1983

Example: Hideaway
h#2 4.1... (12+4)

1.Qxd6 Sd2+ 2.Qxd2 Sh4#
1.Qb1 Se1+ 2.Qxe1 Sg5#
1.Qh8 Sh4+ 2.Qxh4 Sd2#
1.Qg8 Sg5+ 2.Qxg5 Se1#

Hideaway (wS, sacrificial checking) × 4.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1q6/4R3/3P1P2/2P5/2p1NP2/K1P1PkpP/6NR/8

External links:

Janevski, Zhivko

Kalkavouras, Ioannis

Mat Plus, 2007

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (8+11)

1.Kxd4 Sxe5 2.Qxe5 Qd8#
1.Kxc4 dxc5 2.Rxc5 Qg8#

Hideaway (bQ, self-pinning)
Hideaway (bR, self-pinning)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 7Q/2R3p1/1b3B2/1pq1r3/1PNP1r2/K1knpP2/2p5/4n3

External links:

Gurov, Valery

9th WCCT, 2012

2nd Place

Example: Hideaway
h#3 2.1... (9+10)

1.Qxg3 Sf6 2.Bh7 g6 3.Rf3 e3#
1.Qxh7 Be5 2.Rg3 f3 3.Bg6 e4#

Hideaway (bB, critical) × 2
Hideaway (bQ, capturing) × 2
Hideaway (bR, critical) × 2
All black moves are hideaways.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2K1nr2/7N/8/6P1/1pkP2n1/1prq2Bp/1Pb1PP2/5B2

External links:

Bakcsi, György

Sahs/Shakhmaty (Riga), 1961

2nd Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 3.1... (7+11)

1.Sxe2 Rxg7 2.dxe5 Rf7#
1.Sh5 Rg6 2.Bxe5 Bc2#
1.Se4 Rg4 2.Sxe5 Rf4#

Hideaway (bS) × 2
Hideaway (bS, capturing)

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FEN: 8/3p2pK/2np3p/4Pk2/7P/1B3Pn1/4N1R1/b4qrr

External links:

Csák, János

Mat-Pat, 1988

4th Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+9)

1.Se5+ Kg3 2.Qf5 Sd5#
1.Sf6+ Kf3 2.Qe6 Sg6#

Hideaway (bQ) × 2
Hideaway (wK) × 2

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: R1qN1r2/1pbnk3/7p/2P5/B1r2NK1/2p5/8/8

External links:

Semenenko, Valery

Chorno-bili stezhyny, V. Stankevich-85 JT, 2016

3rd Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#4.5  (5+14)

1...Rxc1 2.Kg6 Rxd1 3.c1=R Rxe1 4.d1=S Rxf1 5.e1=R Rg2#

Hideaway (bP, promotional) × 3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/b6b/7p/3p1k1p/PP6/2pK4/R1ppp3/R1rnrn2

External links:

Kramár, Tibor

Olympic Tourney "Novi Sad", 1990

2nd HM

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+5)

1.Bh7+ Bc3+ 2.Rd4+ c7#
1.Rh6+ c7+ 2.Bb5+ Bc3#

Hideaway (bB)
Hideaway (bR)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1b2B3/8/2Pr4/8/k2B2R1/r2b2K1/2P5/8

External links:

Ruppin, Rafael

Problem, 1956

2nd Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#3 2.1... (3+8)

1.Qb8 Kg7 2.Bc7 f8=Q 3.Bh2 Qf1#
1.Qb2 Ke8 2.Rc2 f8=Q 3.Rh2 Qf3#

Hideaway (bQ) × 2
Hideaway (wK) × 2

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3b1K2/5P2/6p1/8/6n1/2r1p2k/b6q/4B3

External links:

Csák, János

Meeting of Solidarity, 1989

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (6+9)

1.Sc3 Sxg6 2.Sxg6 Rg7#
1.Sf6 Sxf3 2.Sxf3 Rc3#

Hideaway (bS, self-pinning) × 2.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1B5b/2R5/6pR/3nN3/7n/5pkP/2r2pp1/K7

External links:

Heinonen, Unto

Springaren, 1998

3rd Comm.

Example: Hideaway
h#2  (6+3)

1.Sh4 Sc4 2.Kxc4 Qg8#

wS sacrificial hideaway + bS tempo.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4B3/8/8/2p1Nn2/8/1kP4R/8/4K1Q1

External links:

Maslar, Zdravko

(after D. Hersom)

The Problemist, 1986

Example: Hideaway
h#8  (2+13)

1.h1=R Kxf3 2.e1=S+ Kg3 3.Bg4 f4 4.d1=B f5 5.Bh6 f6 6.c1=S f7 7.Qh7 f8=Q 8.b1=B Qf6#

5 black hideaways:
Hideaway (bP, promotional) × 2
Hideaway (bP, promotional checking)
Hideaway (bB)
Hideaway (bQ)
Hideaway (wK)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 7n/8/8/8/7r/4Kp2/pppppP1p/kqbb4

External links:

Comay, Ofer

Variantim, Israel Ring Tourney, 2014

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#3 2.1... (7+11)

1.Bg5 Bxg5 2.Qxg4 Re7 3.Qgxd4 Rxe1#
1.Rdc7 Rxc7 2.Qxb3 Be7 3.Qxd5 Bxa3#

Hideaway maneuver (bQ, capturing, 2) x 2
Hideaway (bB, sacrificial)
Hideaway (bR, sacrificial)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3B4/3r2R1/5b2/3P4/3P2P1/nP1p4/1qrp4/1bkqnK2

External links:

Shamir, Shaul

Haymann, Jean

Israel Ring Tourney, 2011

1st Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2 2.1... (8+13)

1.Qxa1 c3 2.Sd5 Rxg4#
1.Qxb4 c4 2.Bg1 Bxe5#

Hideaway (bQ, capturing) x 2
Hideaway (bB)
Hideaway (bS)
Hideaway (wP) x 2

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r3Nr/4n1kP/1ppnp3/2p1p3/1R1q2b1/8/2P4b/BBK2R2

External links:

Doré, Marcel

Themes-64, 1957

Spec. Prize

Example: Hideaway
h#2  (3+4)

1.Bc1 Rxa7 2.Qa1 Rb8#

Hideaway (bQ).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6k1/p7/8/6b1/3q4/8/8/RR5K

External links:

Chlubna, Friedrich

Schach-Echo, 1975


Example: Hideaway
h#4 2.1... (2+6)

1.Qh6 f6 2.Bb8 f7 3.Rg3 f8=Q+ 4.Rg8 Qxh6#
1.Bc7 Kb7 2.Qe5 f6 3.Rh3 f7 4.Rh7 f8=Q#

Hideaway (bQ)
Hideaway (bQ, sacrificial)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: K6k/8/2n2q2/5P2/3p4/2r3b1/8/8

External links:

Leck, Jakob

Sick, Oliver

Die Schwalbe, 2019 (v)

Example: Hideaway
h#6  (2+12)

1.Rh1 Bxh1 2.c1=R Be4 3.Bd3 Kxd3 4.b1=B+ Kd2 5.Sc4+ Kxc1 6.Ra3 Bxb1#

5 hideaways:
Hideaway (bR, sacrificial)
Hideaway (bB, sacrificial)
Hideaway (bP=R, sacrificial promotional)
Hideaway (bP=B, sacrificial promotional)
Hideaway (bS)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/4q3/1p1B4/rp1K4/np6/kpp5/nbr5

External links: