Goethart theme

H#2: Black (or White in bicolor Goethart theme) closes the line of a black pinned piece allowing White to unpin it indirectly on the mating move (it's always a battery mate). Unlike the Gamage theme where the unpin is direct.

See also: Gamage theme.

Uddgren, Anders

Dunaujvaros JT, Magyar Sakkelet, 1966

1st Prize

Example: Goethart theme
h#2 2.1... (6+9)

1.R1b6 Sxg7 2.Bb3 Sc6#
1.R8b2 Sxg6 2.Sb3 Sd4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1r5q/K4pp1/R3Nkp1/4N3/7P/8/8/Brnb4

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Haymann, Jean

feenschach, 1990

2nd Prize

Example: Goethart theme
h#2 b) wPc4→d4  (12+7)

a) 1.Qb3 Qb4 2.Kxf3 S5c3#
b) 1.Qd6 Sb4 2.Kxg3 f4#

Bicolor Goethart.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: B4Q2/2B5/4P3/3N2pp/1qP4b/R4PPP/6kr/K2N3n

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Seider, Shlomo

The Problemist, 1972

1st Prize

Example: Goethart theme
h#2 2.1... (9+14)

1.Kc6 d4 2.Be3 Qc2#
1.Kc5 Be6 2.Rf6 Sf5#

Gamage theme, Goethart theme.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: b6q/4BP1p/pp1N3p/1p1k2bR/1p5P/5rnB/K2P2Qn/4r3

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Fougiaxis, Charalampos Harry

Sinfonie Scacchistiche, 1984

1st Prize

Example: Goethart theme
h#2 2.1... (8+12)

1.Bb3 Rf7 2.Sc4 Sdc3#
1.Rf7 Rb3 2.Sd7 Sdf4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5R2/KB4rr/4pn1p/3NP3/3p2p1/R3nk2/b2PNb2/3q4

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