Four corners

A piece visits all four corners in a single or in more phases.

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mat (Belgrade), 1978

1st-2nd Prize

Example: Four corners
h#4 4.1... (2+12)

1.Kd4 fxe6 2.Kc3 exd7 3.Kb2 dxc8=Q 4.Ka1 Qc1#
1.Kf4 f6 2.Kg3 f7 3.Kh2 fxe8=Q 4.Kh1 Qxh5#
1.Kd5 fxe6 2.Kc6 e7 3.Kb7 exd8=Q 4.Ka8 Qxc8#
1.Kf6 Kg2 2.Kg7 f6+ 3.Kh8 f7 4.Rh7 f8=Q#

Four corners of bK.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2bqn3/p2p4/3pp3/4kPpr/8/8/r4p2/5K2

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Wong, Peter

Chess in Australia, 1989

Example: Four corners
h#4 4.1... (2+14)

1.Kc4 d6 2.Kb3 d7 3.Ka2 d8=Q 4.Ka1 Qxa5#
1.Ke4 d6 2.Kf3 dxe7 3.Kg2 exf8=Q 4.Kh1 Qf1#
1.Kc5 d6 2.Kb6 d7 3.Kb7 dxc8=Q+ 4.Ka8 Qxc6#
1.Ke5 d6 2.Kf6 d7 3.Kg7 dxe8=Q 4.Kh8 Qxf8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1bb1rn2/p3p2p/2p5/q2P4/3k4/2p1p3/2p4p/2K5

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Mertes, Helmut

Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1974

Example: Four corners
h#5  (2+2)
b) wKc5→c4 c) bKe4→e6 d) wSd4→d7

a) 1.Kd3 Sb5 2.Kc2 Kb4 3.Kb1 Ka3 4.Ka1 Sd4 5.Rb1 Sc2#
b) 1.Rh7 Sf5 2.Kf3 Kd3 3.Kg2 Ke2 4.Kh1 Kf1 5.Rh2 Sg3#
c) 1.Kd7 Sb5 2.Kc8 Kb4 3.Kb8 Ka5 4.Ka8 Ka6 5.Rb8 Sc7#
d) 1.Kf5 Kd6 2.Kg6 Ke7 3.Kh7 Kf8 4.Kh8 Se5 5.Rh7 Sg6#

Not fully thematic, since the black king moved in the twin c).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1r6/8/2K5/3Nk3/8/8/8

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Paliulionis, Viktoras

Orbit, T. Ilievski-60 JT, 2012

1st Prize

Example: Four corners
h#6.5*  (2+3)

1... ... 2.Rh2 Kc1 3.Rh6 Kd2 4.Qh1 Ke3 5.Kg6 Kf4 6.Kh5 Kf5 7.Qh4 Sg7#

1...Kc1 2.Qa8 Kd1 3.Rf7 Ke2 4.Rb7 Kf3 5.Qa1 Kg4 6.Qh8 Kh5 7.Rg7 Sf6#

Four corners of bQ.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4N3/7k/8/8/8/5q2/5r2/1K6

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Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mihajloski, Zlatko

The Problemist, 2015

1st Prize

Example: Four corners
h#5 2.1... (3+7)

1.Kf4 Rh1 2.Ke3 Ra1 3.Kd2 Ra2 4.Kc1 Kb5 5.Qd2 Ra1#
1.Qd7 Rh8 2.Kf6 Ra8 3.Ke7 Ra7 4.Kd8 Ka6 5.Kc8 Ra8#

Four corners of wR.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/2r5/3q3R/K5k1/p7/P7/1np2b2/8

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Hegermann, Bernard

The Fairy Chess Review, 1939

Example: Four corners
h#4  (3+7)
b) bRh6→h2 c) bRh6→b1 d) bRh6→c8

a) 1.Kf6 Kg3 2.Kg7 f6+ 3.Kh8 f7 4.Rh7 f8=Q#
b) 1.Kf4 f6 2.Kf3 f7 3.Kg2 f8=Q 4.Kh1 Qf1#
c) 1.Kd4 f6 2.Kc3 f7 3.Kb2 f8=Q 4.Ka1 Qa3#
d) 1.Kd6 f6 2.Kc6 f7 3.Kb7 f8=Q 4.Ka8 Qxc8#

Four corners of bK.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/p1p5/7r/3pkP1p/4p2K/7P/8/8

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