Feather mechanism

The BQ stands at the junction of the lines of a WB and a WR while the BK stands poised to move onto the continuation of the WB and WR lines beyond the BQ’s square, one of which in each solution needs to move through the BQ’s square. In moving aside to allow this the BQ creates a guard from the other white piece on the square to which the BK must move. Consequently the BQ must clear the line for the WB by capturing (or interfering with) the WR and vice versa.

Feather, Christopher John

Schach-Echo, 1976

Example: Feather mechanism
h#2 2.1... (5+9)

1.Qxb6 Rc1 2.Kd4 Qxd2#
1.Qxc6 Bg1 2.Kc4 Qb3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5b2/8/1BR5/2qkp3/n3r3/8/P2p3p/K2Q3r

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Feather, Christopher John

Moultings 5, 1991

Example: Feather mechanism
h#2 2.1... (7+11)

1.Qxg8 Rf3 2.Ke6 Re2#
1.Qxf8 Bc4 2.Kf6 Bc3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5RBn/K2pNqp1/p2P2pn/4k3/rB6/8/p5R1/7b

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