Extended star

A piece makes a move to all four adjacent diagonal squares and each time proceeds with a move to the next adjacent square in the same direction.

See also: Star; Big star; Extended cross.

Alias: Prolonged star.

Abdurahmanović, Fadil

Mat (Belgrade), 1974

2nd Prize

Example: Extended star
h#3 4.1... (3+10)

1.Qb1 Bg3 2.Kd3 Be5+ 3.Kc2 Rc3#
1.Qf1 Bg3 2.Kf3 Be1+ 3.Kg2 Rg3#
1.Qb5 Bb8 2.Kd5 Rd3+ 3.Kc6 Rd6#
1.Kf5 Kg8 2.Kg6 Bf4 3.Qf5 Rh6#

bK extended star, bQ big star.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 7n/1pB4K/8/2p5/4k3/3q3R/1p1p3p/3r3r

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