Cycle of double pins

There are at least three thematic pieces A, B and C, which are, two in turn, essentially pinned in three phases on mating positions. The pinned pieces appear in cycles AB-BC-CA.

Tikkanen, Tapani

Suomen Shakki, 1985

1st Prize

Example: Cycle of double pins
h#2 3.1... (8+14)

1.Be2 Kh2+ 2.Se4 Bxg7#
1.Bf5 Bxf4 2.Qf6 Kxg1#
1.Qxe5 Kxg1+ 2.Sf3+ Bxf3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3N4/3p2rp/3p4/2PkB1R1/1ppq1p2/1Nbb4/2rn2K1/3R2nB

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Gadjanski, Borislav

Sahovska kompozicija, Liga Problemista, 1993

1st Place

Example: Cycle of double pins
h#3 3.1... (7+15)

1.Qb2 Rxb2 2.S3e4 Bxc5+ 3.Bd4 Rb3#
1.Qxa5 Bxa5 2.Sd3 Rxe5+ 3.Se4 Bb6#
1.Bg4 Rxd8 2.Bd4 Rxc3+ 3.Sd3 Re8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3rR3/2K5/1B1p1p2/P1nPbP1b/1p3p2/qRn1kp2/3prp2/8

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Nastran, Janez

Slovenian Championship, 1993

1st Place

Example: Cycle of double pins
h#2  (7+11)
b) wQb6→b8 c) wQb6→g3

a) 1.Qf2 Qxe6+ 2.Sxe6 Rxf2#
b) 1.Qd7 Qxe5+ 2.Rxe5 Bxd7#
c) 1.Qd5 Qxf4+ 2.Bxf4 Rxd5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2B5/5p2/1Q2rp2/2R1bkpP/1r2pnp1/8/3q2P1/5R1K

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