Choice of move order

It may seem possible to swap the moves in the solution. However, changing the move order introduces a negative effect that prevents subsequent moves or a mate.

The following choice of move order types are identified in Helpmate Analyzer:

  1. Interference avoidance.
  2. Obstruction avoidance.
  3. Pin avoidance.
  4. Check avoidance.
  5. Guard of flight avoidance.
  6. Guard of castling line avoidance.
  7. Capture avoidance.

Navon, Emanuel

SuperProblem TT-199, 2018

3rd Prize

Example: Choice of move order
h#2 b) wPc2  (5+14)

a) 1.Bf5 Sf3 2.Re5 Qd4#
b) 1.Rf3 Qa4 2.Be2 Se4#

Antidual choice of move order in B1 (pin avoidance).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6nq/4p2p/4Pb2/1p4NK/6Q1/p1kbr3/Ppp5/2n1r3

External links:

Shamir, Shaul

Haymann, Jean

Israel Ring Tourney, 2011

1st Prize

Example: Choice of move order
h#2 2.1... (8+13)

1.Qxa1 c3 2.Sd5 Rxg4#
1.Qxb4 c4 2.Bg1 Bxe5#

Antidual choice of move order in B1 (interference avoidance).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2r3Nr/4n1kP/1ppnp3/2p1p3/1R1q2b1/8/2P4b/BBK2R2

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Chlubna, Friedrich

Schach, 1978

2nd HM

Example: Choice of move order
h#2 2.1... (5+11)

1.Sd4 Bc2 2.Rb4 Sd6#
1.Sg4 Se5 2.Qb4 Bxc6#

Antidual choice of move order in B1 (capture avoidance).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/pBp5/Pk2n3/2N1B2K/prq5/1pn4b/7r

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Parrinello, Mario

SuperProblem TT-246, 2020


Example: Choice of move order
h#2 2.1... (8+11)

1.Qe2+ Bxe2 2.Bxd5 Rxh4#
1.Rb1 Bxb1 2.Rxd5 Ba7#

Antidual choice of move order in B1

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1B1R4/5nb1/1r2pp2/2rPP2R/2pkb1qp/3B4/K7/3N4

External links:

Comay, Ofer

Variantim, Israel Ring Tourney, 2014

1st Prize

Example: Choice of move order
h#3 2.1... (7+11)

1.Bg5 Bxg5 2.Qxg4 Re7 3.Qgxd4 Rxe1#
1.Rdc7 Rxc7 2.Qxb3 Be7 3.Qxd5 Bxa3#

Antidual choice of move order in B1 and W1 (interference avoidance).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3B4/3r2R1/5b2/3P4/3P2P1/nP1p4/1qrp4/1bkqnK2

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