Anticipatory Bristol

A line is cleared in advance, before it is actually created, either directly (by the arrival of the second line piece) or indirectly (by the opening of the line).

See also: Bristol.

Alias: Voraus-Bahnung (Ger.).

Turevsky, Dmitry

Maroc Echecs, 2013

1st HM

Example: Anticipatory Bristol
h#2.5 b) wKg1→b6  (5+14)

a) 1...Bd1 2.Bg4 Kxf1 3.Be2+ Bxe2#
b) 1...Re4 2.Ra4 Kxc5 3.Rd4 Rxd4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/p3p3/r1r2p1P/2R2P2/p1pkpBpb/2qp4/5nK1

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Moldovianu, Piotr

Chikanov, Mikola

Probleemblad, 1999

Example: Anticipatory Bristol
h#3 b) bSh4↔bRg6  (3+12)

a) 1.Bg4 Bxd1 2.Sf3 Bxf3 3.Rcg5 Rh1#
b) 1.Rg5 Rxb5 2.Se5 Rxe5 3.Bg4 Be8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3K4/7p/6rp/1pr4k/B1p4n/4q3/3bb3/1R1n4

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