White constant

A helpmate has two or more phases in which the White's moves remain same. In addition, a change in Black's play or a changed position of the Black King is required.

See also: Changed motivation.

Pochtariov, Konstantin

Problemist Pribuzhya TT, 1995

1st Prize

Example: White constant
h#2 2.1... (3+2)

1.Ke2 Bc1 2.d1=B Re3#
1.Ke1 Bc1 2.d1=R Re3#

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FEN: 8/8/8/8/8/1R6/1B1p4/3k2K1

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Paliulionis, Viktoras

V. Barsukov-75 JT, 2014

Spec. Prize

Example: White constant
h#4 2.1... (3+3)

1.Qf3 Sf4+ 2.Ke3 Kg6 3.f1=S Kf5 4.Sd2 Bb6#
1.Qc3 Sf4+ 2.Kd4 Kg6 3.f1=B Kf5 4.Bc4 Bb6#

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FEN: 8/7K/5qN1/B7/8/3k4/5p2/8

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Kolčák, Marek

Whisky Tourney, Turku, 1995

2nd Prize

Example: White constant
h#2 b) bKb7↔wKf5  (7+11)

a) 1.Reg4 Sf4 2.Bb8 d6#
b) 1.Reg4 Sf4 2.Bb8 d6#

Changed motivation.

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FEN: 2n5/pk6/8/R2PbK1b/1p1Br2r/6Pp/3qNp2/7B

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