
Two white pieces A and B are pinned by a and b. In the first phase, a captures A giving check, the white King moves in such a way that B remains pinned, a unpins B moving on the white King initial square, then B moves. In the second phase, b captures B giving check, the white King moves in such a way that A remains pinned, b unpins A moving on the white King initial square, then A moves.

Visserman, Eeltje

Sahs/Shakhmaty (Riga), 1965

2nd Prize

Example: Visserman
h#2 2.1... (7+8)

1.Bxb2+ Kf7 2.Bf6 Sd5#
1.Rxf4+ Kg7 2.Rf6 Sd1#

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FEN: 4r3/2p4p/5K1p/8/P4N1R/4k3/RN2Prp1/b7

External links:

Visserman, Eeltje

Al Hamishmar, Israel Ring Tourney, 1964

6th Prize

Example: Visserman
h#2 b) bKf1→h1  (6+11)

a) 1.Bxd5+ Kxd6 2.Be6+ Bxd3#
b) 1.Rxg6+ Kf7 2.Re6+ Rxh5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/3PP1pp/3pK1Br/1p1R3q/2b5/1p1r1pQ1/8/5k2

External links:

Bogdanov, Evgeny

Zalokocky, Roman

feenschach, 1983


Example: Visserman
h#3 2.1... (6+14)

1.Bxb3+ Kxb4 2.Bc4 Bxc1 3.Ba2+ Bf4#
1.Rxf4+ Kd5 2.Rc4 Sxc1 3.Rcg4+ Sb3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/1p4p1/1P3prp/1pK2Brb/1N4p1/bp4R1/qkn4R

External links:

Soroka, Ivan

Orbit, 2006


Example: Visserman
h#3 2.1... (10+13)

1.Rxb4+ Ka2 2.Rb3 Sxe3 3.fxe3 Rxe4#
1.Bxc4+ Kb2 2.Bb3 Sd3 3.exd3 Rxf4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6b1/7p/1q5B/Prb2PPr/RNN1pp1k/1KP1pp1p/5P2/4n3

External links:

Ivunin, Aleksey

Pankratjev, Aleksandr

V. Lastivka-55 JT, 2017

Spec. HM

Example: Visserman
h#3 2.1... (4+11)

1.Bxf5+ Kxg7 2.Bg6 Bd2+ 3.Ka4 Ra5#
1.Rxg5+ Kh7 2.Rg6 Sd4+ 3.Kb6 Rb5#

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FEN: 5r2/p1p2np1/n5K1/k4NBR/4b1r1/1p6/8/1q6

Soroka, Ivan

Problemist of Ukraine, 2007

1st-2nd Prize

Example: Visserman
h#4 2.1... (5+15)

1.Rxb3+ Kd4 2.Rc3 Sd3 3.Kc7 Sb4 4.Kb8 Sa6#
1.Bxb2+ Kd3 2.Bc3 Bxa4 3.Se7 Rb5 4.Ke8 Rb8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: r1nk4/p4b2/3p4/8/p1P2p2/rBK1p3/pNp5/bRq2n2

External links:

Soroka, Ivan

Shakhmatnaya Poeziya, 2007

1st Prize

Example: Visserman
h#4 b) bKb3→a3  (7+16)

a) 1.Bxg6+ Kf4 2.Bf5 Bxe7 3.Ra4 Rd6 4.Kb4 Rb6#
b) 1.Rxf6+ Kxe4 2.Rf5 Be8 3.Sb3 Rc6 4.Ka4 Ra6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5bn1/2p1prpb/5BBR/n3PKPP/1rppp3/1kp5/p7/6q1

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