Siers battery

The front piece, leaving the battery line, gives a flight; when the king moves to this flight, the former front piece moves again, but not back to its starting square, to give check or mate.

Oudot, Jean

Tidskrift för Schack, 1969

3rd Prize

Example: Siers battery
h#2 8.1... (8+12)

1.d2 Sc3+ 2.Kf4 Se2#
1.c3 Sb4+ 2.Kf4 Sxd3#
1.Qg6 Sxe3+ 2.Kxf6 Sg4#
1.Rxf6 Sxf6+ 2.Kf4 Sxh5#
1.Rg6 Sf4+ 2.Kxf6 Sxh5#
1.Bg6 Se7+ 2.Kxf6 Sg8#
1.Sxe6 Sc7+ 2.Kf4 Sxe6#
1.Sg6 Sb6+ 2.Kxf6 Sd7#

Siers Battery (8x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4Rn2/6pb/2n1PP1r/rR1Nk1bq/2p1P3/3ppP2/6K1/8

External links:

Schaffner, Gerold

Der Landbote, 2015

Example: Siers battery
h#2 2.1... (5+4)

1.Rc7 dxc7+ 2.Ke7 cxd8=Q#
1.Rf8 d7+ 2.Ke7 dxc8=S#


View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2bn4/5r2/1R1Pk3/7B/8/8/3RK3/8