Segenreich theme

H#2: In a helpmate twomover of Neuman type White could give mate on his 1st move. In one solution the mate is made possible by White's waiting move and Black's switchback. In the second solution, Black plays a different move without switchback, leading to a different mate.

⧖ Named after Yeshayahu Saul Segenreich (Romania-Israel, 1903–1975), likely introduced in 1967.

See also: Apparent mate.

Segenreich, Saul

Shahmat, 1967

Example: Segenreich theme
h#2* 2.1... (9+11)


1.Ra1 Kxg5 2.Ra2 Rxb2#
1.Sf3 Re5 2.Sd2 Rc3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4p2p/4P2P/2p3pK/2P1R1P1/p2k4/rpR1N2p/1B4nr

External links:

Avner, Uri

The Problemist, 2012

Example: Segenreich theme
h#2* 2.1... (6+14)


1.Bb3 d3 2.Bc4 d4#
1.Bd3 Bf3 2.Bf5 Sd7#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/pp1ppN2/qp1Nk3/rrb3Bp/2K4P/pn1P4/b7