Sabra 27 theme

H#2: In the first move, a black piece opens a future line for white (anticipatory line opening). A white piece, in white’s first move, arrives at the opened line ready to exploit it. Black’s thematic piece, in addition to the line opening, must also perform on B1 or B2 one of the following: pin/self-pin, unpin/self-unpin or interference.

This is the theme of the 27th SABRA Composing Tourney (Jurmala, 2024).

Witztum, Menachem

Polish Chess Federation, 2024

Example: Sabra 27 theme
h#2 b) bPg5→f4  (3+8)

a) 1.Ba6 Qxb3 2.Bf4 Qh3#
b) 1.Ba5 Qxb2 2.Bf5 Qg2#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: K6R/8/8/4p1p1/6k1/Qp1b4/1p1b4/r7