Reciprocal batteries

Two line pieces of unlike motions (i.e. Rook and Bishop) create batteries so that they exchange front piece and rear piece roles in two lines of play.

Moen, Kabe

The Problemist Supplement, 2019

Example: Reciprocal batteries
h#3 b) -wPf3  (4+6)

a) 1.Re5 Bh7 2.Sc5 Bd3 3.Sde6 Be4#
b) 1.Bd6 Rf1 2.Sc6 Rf7 3.Sed4 Rf5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6B1/8/4n3/3k4/2pnrb2/5P2/8/K2R4

External links:

Jones, Christopher James Austin

Schach, 2011

1st Prize

Example: Reciprocal batteries
h#3 2.1... (6+14)

1.Sc4 Bxa2 2.Ke4 Bxc4 3.Ra2 Be6#
1.Rc4 Rxa4 2.Ke6 Rxc4 3.Sa4 Rxf4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/3p4/3P2p1/1pP1pk2/bR3p2/1B1pp3/rnrp2P1/1K1n4

External links:

Meinking, Dan

Wiehagen, Rolf

F. Abdurahmanovic-60 JT, StrateGems, 2000

2nd Prize

Example: Reciprocal batteries
h#4.5 2.1... (4+9)

1...Re2 2.Kc4 Rxa2+ 3.Kb3 Rf2 4.Bb1 Be2 5.Ka2 Bc4#
1...Be2 2.Ke4 Bxg4+ 3.Kf4 Bd1 4.g5 Re2 5.Kg4 Re4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/6p1/3knb2/6p1/p5p1/p5P1/r3RB1K

External links:

Meinking, Dan

StrateGems, P. Petkov-60 JT, 2002

Spec. Prize

Example: Reciprocal batteries
h#3.5 2.1... (4+8)

1...Rc4 2.Kd5 Ra4+ 3.Ke4 Ra3 4.Kf3 Bd5#
1...Bc4 2.Kc5 Be2+ 3.Kb4 Bd1 4.Ka4 Rc4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/8/3k4/bq2n3/3n1pp1/1B6/1PRr4/4K3

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