Paros theme

Two black Bi-valves, involving the same two lines, in such way that the line, which is opened in the first line of play, is closed in the second and vice versa.

See also: Bi-valve.

Alias: Reciprocal bi-valve.

Semenenko, Valery

Belgrade Internet Tourney, 2012

6th HM

Example: Paros theme
h#2 b) +wSe8  (3+10)

a) 1.Se2+ Kxe4 2.Bc7 Qf8#
b) 1.Sg3+ Kxf4 2.Re7 Qa8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3k4/p7/r7/2p1K3/3pnnB1/1b3Q2/7b/4r3

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Kricheli, Josif

Schach-Echo, 1974

Example: Paros theme
h#2 2.1... (6+7)

1.Sb3 Be4 2.Ke3 Qc1#
1.Sd7 Re4+ 2.Kxf5 Ra5#

Bicolor Paros.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2Q5/6bK/4Rp2/2n2P2/3p1k2/R2B4/4pp2/8

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