Nissl theme

Special type of Phoenix: White sacrifices a piece and subsequently promotes a piece of the same type.

⧖ Theodor Nissl (Germany, 1878-1972) 1936.

See also: Phoenix.

Zajic, Helmut

Schach-Aktiv, 1988

3rd Prize

Example: Nissl theme
h#3 b) bKe4→c5  (4+11)

a) 1.Kf5 Qxh6 2.Bxh6 f8=Q+ 3.Kg6 Qf7#
b) 1.Kc6 Qd6+ 2.exd6 e7 3.Kd7 e8=Q#

wQ Phoenix
Nissl theme

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5b2/2p1pP2/n3P2p/6p1/4k1q1/pp6/6nQ/K7

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Gavriliv, Evgeny

Zalokocky, Roman

Soroka, Ivan

Molodoy leninets, 1988

2nd Prize

Example: Nissl theme
h#3 3.1... (4+16)

1.c1=B Qxa3+ 2.Kxa3 c8=Q 3.Bb2 Qc5#
1.Rb8 Qxc3+ 2.Kxc3 cxb8=Q 3.Kd4 Qe5#
1.Rd8 Qxb3+ 2.Kxb3 cxd8=Q 3.Kb4 Qb6#

wQ Phoenix
Nissl theme

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4r3/2Pp4/8/8/pQp2P2/bbpr1pp1/qkp2pn1/1n3K2

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