Kindergarten problem

A problem where only kings and pawns are on the board.

Alias: Kings&Pawns.

Kárpáti, Aurél M.

Probleemblad, 1957

1st Prize

Example: Kindergarten problem
h#3  (7+4)
b) bKe5→a5 +c) wKc8→f1 +d) bKa5→d4

a) 1.a1=R d7 2.Rf1 d8=Q 3.Rf5 Qd6#
b) 1.a1=Q d7 2.Qd1 d8=S 3.Qa4 Sc6#
c) 1.a1=B d7 2.Bc3 d8=R 3.Bb4 Ra8#
d) 1.a1=S d7 2.Sb3 d8=B 3.Sxc5 Bf6#

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FEN: 2K5/8/3P4/1PP1k3/2P5/p2Pp3/p3P3/8

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Paliulionis, Viktoras

SuperProblem TT-249, 2021

1st Place

Example: Kindergarten problem
h#5  (7+7)
b) bPg7→d5 +c) bKe1→g1 d) bKe1→d1 +e) wKe3→h4 f) wKe3→a8

a) 1.Kf1 g3 2.Kg2 Ke2 3.Kxh3 Kf1 4.Kg4 Kg2 5.g5 f3#
b) 1.Kd1 c3 2.Kc2 Ke2 3.Kxb3 Kd1 4.Kc4 Kc2 5.c5 d3#
c) 1.Kh2 f3 2.Kg3 d4 3.Kh4 Kf2 4.Kg5 h4+ 5.Kf4 g3#
d) 1.Kc1 d4 2.Kb2 Kd2 3.Ka3 Kc1 4.Kb4 Kb2 5.a5 c3#
e) 1.Kxc2 Kg5 2.Kd3 Kg6 3.Ke4 Kxg7 4.Kf4 g3+ 5.Kg5 f4#
1.Kxd2 Kb7 2.Kc3 Kc6 3.Kb4 c3+ 4.Ka5 Kc5 5.b4 cxb4#
1.Kxf2 d4 2.Ke3 d5 3.Kd4 c4 4.Kc5 b4+ 5.Kb6 c5#

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FEN: 8/2p3p1/p7/1p3p1p/8/1P2K2P/2PP1PP1/4k3

Sobrecases, Guy

Problem-Forum, 2010

Example: Kindergarten problem
h#7.5  (9+9)

1...Kg3 2.Ke4 Kh2 3.Kf4 g3+ 4.Kxg4 Kg2 5.Kxf5 Kf3 6.Kxe6 Kxe3 7.Kd5 Kf3 8.e6 e4#

1... Kxe3 2.?? Kf3 3.?? e4#

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FEN: 8/4p3/2p1Pp2/1pPkpPp1/1Pp3P1/2P1pK2/4P1P1/8

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Trautner, Rolf

Die Schwalbe, 1960

Example: Kindergarten problem
h#7  (2+4)

1.c1=S Kg8 2.Sb3 axb3 3.g1=B b4 4.Bc5 bxc5 5.a2 c6 6.a1=R c7 7.Ra7 c8=Q#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: k6K/8/8/8/8/p7/P1p3p1/8

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