Hidden tempo-try

For every tempo-move there exists a tempo-try corresponding to it. A hidden tempo-try is defined as a tempo-try that corresponds to none of the tempo-moves of the solution. However, the mentioned correspondence has not been defined rigorously yet. Therefore presently we identify hidden tempo-tries only in the case when the solution does not contain tempo-moves but the problem contains tempo-tries; according to the definition given above all of them are hidden.

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

Tidskrift för Schack, 1982

1st HM

Example: Hidden tempo-try
h#5  (3+8)

1.Bxg4 e4 2.Bf5 exf5 3.Kh5 fxg6 4.Kh6 gxh7 5.g6 h8=Q#

Thematic tempo-try: 1.a1=B e4 2.Bf6 e5 3.Bd5 exf6 4.Bg8 f7 5.?? fxg8=S#.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/6pp/6pk/6p1/6B1/5b2/p1p1P3/2K5

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Paliulionis, Viktoras

B. Shorokhov-50 JT, 2018

4th Prize

Example: Hidden tempo-try
h#6  (2+6)

1.Bh3 Bg4 2.Re4+ Kf5 3.Se5 Kf6 4.Qd4 Bc8 5.Bd7 Ke7 6.Bc6 Be6#

1.Qg1/Qd1? Bc8 2.Bd7 ?? 3.Bc6 Kf5 4.Re4 Kf6 5.Se5 Ke7 6.Qd4 Be6#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4r3/3B1n2/4b3/2rk4/5K2/8/8/q7

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Zajic, Helmut

Die Schwalbe, 1978

Example: Hidden tempo-try
h#3  (6+6)

1.Rf6 e6 2.Ke5 Sxf6 3.Kxf6 Se8#

1.Rxe8 e6 2.Ke5 ?? 3.Kf6 Sxe8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1B2Nr2/1pNK4/1P4n1/4Pnb1/3k4/8/8/8

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