Forsberg twins

Twinning by changing the type of a single piece.

Forsberg, Henry Olof Axel

Revista Romana de Sah, 1935

1st Prize

Example: Forsberg twins
h#2  (3+2)
b) bRa6 c) bBa6 d) bSa6 e) bPa6

a) 1.Qf6 Sc5 2.Qb2 Ra4#
b) 1.Rb6 Rb1 2.Rb3 Ra1#
c) 1.Bc4 Se1 2.Ba2 Sc2#
d) 1.Sc5 Sc1 2.Sa4 Rb3#
e) 1.a5 Rb3+ 2.Ka4 Sc5#

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FEN: 8/8/q7/8/1R4K1/k2N4/8/8

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