Bukovina theme

In the diagram position a white piece controls a black king's flight. Black captures that piece and subsequently self-blocks the flight-square that white piece controlled previously.

In the reverse form of the Bukovina theme, Black first self-blocks the flight-square and later other black piece captures that white piece.

Alias: Nagnibida theme.

Nagnibida, Mikola

Probleemblad, 1989

Example: Bukovina theme
h#2 2.1... (5+4)

1.Bxc3 Rc2 2.Bg7 Rc8#
1.Sxd5 Rd2 2.Se7 Rd8#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1K3k1N/8/8/p2N4/5n2/2B5/1b5R/8

External links:

Chepizhny, Viktor

Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya, 2011


Example: Bukovina theme
h#2* 3.1... (11+15)

1...Bh5 2.Qe2 Be8#
1...Sd5 2.Se3 Sb4#
1...Rb7 2.Rb8 Rc7#

1.Qxe2 Rb7 2.Qb5 Rc7#
1.Sxe3 Bh5 2.Sd5 Be8#
1.Rxb8 Sd5 2.Rb7 Sb4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: rRN4b/p3p1r1/pBk1P3/P7/8/1P2N1p1/2PpBpPp/K2bqn1n

External links:

Nagnibida, Mikola

Radyanska Bukovina, 1987

Example: Bukovina theme
h#2 b) wSc8→d3  (6+7)

a) 1.Rf5 Sf2 2.Bxg4 Sxg4#
b) 1.Re6 Shf4 2.Sxd5 Sxd5#

Bukovina theme (reverse form).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2N5/6q1/2r2k2/3P2pB/6P1/2n4N/8/2Kb1r2

Semenenko, Oleksandr

Semenenko, Valery

Šachmatija, M. Rimkus-75 JT, 2017

1st Prize e.a.

Example: Bukovina theme
h#2 2.1... (6+11)

1.Bb3 Rd5 2.Qxf7+ Kxf7#
1.Bb4 Rd6 2.Qxe7+ Kxe7#

Bukovina theme (reverse form).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4q2Q/3pBB2/5Kpp/p7/3R3n/b1kP4/b1pp4/8

External links:

Pachl, Franz

The Problemist, HOTF Ty, 2003

1st Prize

Example: Bukovina theme
h#2 2.1... (7+10)
b) bQd4

1.fxe5 Rc5 2.exd4 Bc4#
1.Rxd5 Bf4 2.Rxd4 Re3#
1.Ke3 Bg6 2.Qf4 Bd4#
1.Kc4 Rb8 2.Qc5 Rd4#

Bukovina theme in a) (x2).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4R2r/3r1B2/2n2p1b/3RB3/1p1P2b1/3k1n2/2p5/1N5K

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