Blocking piece replacement

In the initial position, a black king's flight is blocked by the black piece A. In the final position, the same flight square is blocked by another black piece B.

See also: Changed blocks.

Garai, Toma

Thema Danicum, 1976


Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#3 b) bBf8  (4+3)

a) 1.Qg1 Sg3 2.Rf1 Se4 3.Ra1 Sc3#
b) 1.Qh8 Sf2 2.Bg7 Sd3 3.Ba1 Sc1#

Blocking piece replacement bQ-bR & bQ-bB.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 5r2/8/8/8/1B6/8/k1K1P3/q6N

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Caillaud, Michel

Shakhmatna Misl, 1982

1st Prize

Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#5 3.1... (2+10)

1.Bd8 a5 2.Bb6 axb6 3.c1=B b7 4.Bg5 b8=S 5.Be7 Sd7#
1.Qb3 a5 2.Qb6 axb6 3.c1=Q b7 4.Qc4 b8=S 5.Qf7 Sd7#
1.Rb8 a5 2.Rb6 axb6 3.c1=R b7 4.Rc8 b8=S 5.Re8 Sd7#

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FEN: 4rkn1/4bqn1/p2p4/5p2/P7/8/2p4K/8

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Loustau, Jean-Marc

Ideal-Mate Review, 1986


Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#7  (2+7)

1.Sc7 Kf1 2.Kd5 Kg2 3.Bd6 Kg3 4.c5 Kf4 5.Sc6+ Kxe3 6.e5 Kd3 7.Se6 e4#

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FEN: 8/8/2pkp3/2bnn3/8/4p3/4P3/4K3

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Nastran, Janez

Slovenian Championship, 1993

1st Place

Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#2  (7+11)
b) wQb6→b8 c) wQb6→g3

a) 1.Qf2 Qxe6+ 2.Sxe6 Rxf2#
b) 1.Qd7 Qxe5+ 2.Rxe5 Bxd7#
c) 1.Qd5 Qxf4+ 2.Bxf4 Rxd5#

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FEN: 2B5/5p2/1Q2rp2/2R1bkpP/1r2pnp1/8/3q2P1/5R1K

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Trillon, Jean-Michel

feenschach, TT-25, 1972

2nd Prize

Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#5  (2+10)

1.Rg8+ Kd7 2.Rb7+ Kxc6 3.Rbg7+ Kb5 4.Rb8+ Ka4 5.Rb2 Sc3#

Blocking piece replacement bR-bR.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: b3K2b/6r1/2p1p3/3p4/8/6p1/kr6/nN6

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Moen, Kabe

The Problemist Supplement, 2019

Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#3 b) -wPf3  (4+6)

a) 1.Re5 Bh7 2.Sc5 Bd3 3.Sde6 Be4#
b) 1.Bd6 Rf1 2.Sc6 Rf7 3.Sed4 Rf5#

Blocking piece replacement bS-bS (2x).

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6B1/8/4n3/3k4/2pnrb2/5P2/8/K2R4

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Földeák, Árpád

Revista de Sah, 1963

5th HM

Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#5  (2+4)

1.h3 b8=R 2.h2 Rxb2 3.h1=R+ Rh2 4.Sb2 Rh3 5.Rb1 Ra3#

Blocking piece replacement bB-bS.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/1P5K/8/8/7p/8/1b6/k2n4

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Maslar, Zdravko

feenschach, 1988

Example: Blocking piece replacement
h#5  (2+9)

1.Qa1 c4 2.Qh1 c5 3.g1=R c6 4.Ra1 c7 5.Ra7 c8=Q#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: k7/q3p3/4p3/5p2/3p4/1K1p4/2Pb2p1/8

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