Baltic theme

Black plays on the same square and White mates on another same square.

See also: Play on the same square; Hyvinkaa theme.

Ivunin, Aleksey

Pankratjev, Aleksandr

Gravure, 2018

1st Prize

Example: Baltic theme
h#3 2.1... (3+7)

1.Se6 Rf4 2.Kd6 Bh2 3.Se7 Rd4#
1.Re6 Bf2 2.Kf6 Kg1 3.Be7 Bd4#

Play on the same square on B1, B3, and W3.

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 8/4k3/2r3n1/2b3n1/8/3p2B1/1r6/5R1K

Jones, Christopher James Austin

Problem-Forum, 2005

6th HM

Example: Baltic theme
h#3 2.1... (5+9)

1.Rxg4 Bxd6+ 2.Kf5 Bg3 3.Bb5 Re5#
1.Bxg5 Rxe2+ 2.Kf6 Re8 3.Sb5 Be5#


View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 1B6/4bp2/3n2p1/q3k1P1/5rP1/8/2p1b2K/4R3

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Nesic, Milivoj S.

Babic, Milomir

League of Macedonian Problemists, 2000

1st Place

Example: Baltic theme
h#2 3.1... (8+9)

1.cxd3 Rc5 2.d2 Sbc3#
1.Sxd3 Re5 2.Sc1 Sac3#
1.Bxd3 Rb5 2.Bxe2 c3#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4q3/2r3bb/8/3Rn3/B1p4K/3Pp3/N1P1P3/1N1kr3

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Zidek, Alexander

4th WCCT, 1989-1992

3rd Place

Example: Baltic theme
h#3  (4+12)
b) wPe3→f2 c) wPe3→a5

a) 1.e6 Bb5 2.Be8 Bd3 3.Bc6 e4#
b) 1.Be6 f3 2.Qe2 Bg6 3.Qc4 Be4#
c) 1.Se6 Sc5 2.Kd6 axb6 3.Rd5 Se4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 4B3/rN2pb2/1p5p/3kn3/p2n4/2p1P3/3r3q/K7

External links:

Csák, János

Probleemblad, 2002

Spec. Comm.

Example: Baltic theme
h#2  (8+11)
b) wPc7→d7 c) bPf7→d7 d) bRh8→e8 e) bPf5→d4

a) 1.Bxe6 c8=S 2.Bd7 S8e7#
b) 1.Sdxe6 dxc8=S 2.Sc7 S8e7#
c) 1.Qxe6 g8=S 2.Qe7 Sgxe7#
d) 1.Rxe6 hxg8=S 2.Re7 Sgxe7#
e) 1.fxe6 Kh2 2.e5 Se7#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 2bn2qr/1rP2pPP/2NNPR2/2nk1p2/8/5p1K/5b2/8

External links:

Nefiodov, Vladislav

V. Barsukov-80 JT, 2019

1st Prize

Example: Baltic theme
h#3 3.1... (4+11)

1.Kd4 Sc5 2.Kc3 Ba4 3.Bd4 Se4#
1.Sd4 Bb5 2.Qc6 Bd3 3.f3 e4#
1.Bd4 exf3 2.e5 Bf5 3.e6 Be4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 6K1/3Bp3/3rp3/3kb3/Nrq2p2/5n2/1p2P1b1/8

External links:

Persson, Manne

Schach-Echo, 1971

4th Prize

Example: Baltic theme
h#2 5.1... (7+9)

1.Bb1 bxc4 2.Bf5 cxd5#
1.Rxf3 e4 2.Rf5 exd5#
1.Rf4 c4 2.Rf5 cxd5#
1.Se7 d4 2.Sf5 d5#
1.Se4 fxe4 2.Qf5 exd5#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3R1K2/8/4kp2/3np1nq/2r5/1PP1rP2/b2PP3/8

External links:

Jonsson, Bernt Christer

The Problemist, 1993

Example: Baltic theme
h#2 7.1... (10+12)

1.Bb1 bxc4 2.Bf5 cxd5#
1.Re4 fxe4 2.Qf5 exd5#
1.Rxf3 e4 2.Rf5 exd5#
1.Sd6 c4 2.Sf5 cxd5#
1.Se7 d4 2.Sf5 d5#
1.Rh5 Bc6 2.Rf5 Bxd5#
1.f5 Sc5+ 2.Kf6 Sxd5#

Play on the same square (B2, 6)
Play on the same square (W2, 7)

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: 3KB2r/1Np3p1/1b2kp2/3np3/1Nn4P/1PP1rP2/b2PP3/5q2

External links:

Murăraşu, Ion

harmonie, 1997

1st HM

Example: Baltic theme
h#3 3.1... (4+11)

1.Sd4 Bc2 2.Kd5 Kb7 3.Be5 dxe4#
1.Kf4 Be6 2.Qf6 Rc4 3.Ke5 Rxe4#
1.Kf5 Bd5 2.Bf4 Rg6 3.Se5 Bxe4#

View in Helpmate Analyzer

FEN: n7/K1p5/2Rb4/1p2k3/4b2p/1B1P1n2/1q1pp3/8

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